

No permission to download
Now when you failed-language, set wrong without creating file first CreativeSecurity will send useful console message instead of error

([CreativeSecurity] The file "messages_ru.yml" doesn't exist, using "en", the default language.). If the file of the specified language doesn't exist, CS automatically uses the default one ("en") without crashing.

If someone don't know how to do something message me anytime on PM, i'm always available for you guys
- Some new better methods for protections are implented i recommend everyone to start using this version right away

Added ability to mark fishes spawned from fish buckets as creative entites
Optional in config you can turn on/off anytime..add in config: "creative-fish-bucket: true"

To look like this

Code (Text):

# Loots fished by a creative fishing hook
fish: true

# Fishes spawned by marked fish buckets placing
creative-fish-bucket: true

# Arrows shot by players in creative mode
# Will not detect which arrow stack was actually used, so players in survival mode will be able to use
# creative item arrows and the projectile will not be tracked!
arrows: true

Plugin is now on 75% discount for whole next month until Christmas then plugin will be on 90% discount, cheers
+ Added ability to create infinity amount of custom suggested Tab-Command-Suggestion whitelists
Scroll and copy that into your config on right place, or regenerate config

Code (Text):

# Whether to restrict 1.13 commands suggestions
enabled: true
# Not blocked suggestions
# Use an empty list [] to block every suggestion)
# Whitelist for players without any of the following permissions
- "spawn"
- "warp"
- "home"
- "msg"
- "reply"
- "r"
- "help"
- "money"
- "balance"
- "baltop"
- "tpa"
# etc.

# Permissions format: creativesecurity.tabsuggestwhitelist.{SECTION-NAME}

# Whitelist for players with the permission
# For example, the permission for this section is creativesecurity.tabsuggestwhitelist.staff
- "fly"
- "god"
- "kick"
- "ban"
- "mute"
- "tp"
# etc.

# You can add as many sub sections as you want