CMI Ranks/Kits/Portals/Essentials/MySQL/SqLite

NULLED CMI Ranks/Kits/Portals/Essentials/MySQL/SqLite

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  • Made workaround for plugins like Towny preventing mount teleportation with you. Disabled by default and did not tested on live server, so possible small glitches.
As always wanted to fix two small things and ended up with this...
  • Small fix for PlaceHolderAPI being disabled and not translating placeholders
  • Small fix for alias overflow (bunch of small errors in console in lame terms :smile:)
  • Added delay before reenabling commandspy and social spy after relog. Just to prevent from people login in with admin accounts to look up performed commands without actual login. This is not even an option on online servers, for obvious reasons.
  • Added option to teleport with an entity. Yea, now you can teleport with your horse. You will need cmi.teleport.with.[entityType] permission node for that
  • New command to make it simpler for getting correct entity type /cmi entityinfo by looking at one
  • Small fix for tablist ignoring first empty line
  • New command /sit, yea you can sit now and relax, like anywhere you want.
  • Added option for interaction with bed to set regular bed location instead of creating home
  • This got delayed more than it was needed, but now we have normal control over where player will respawn. You can define order of respawning, an example, try to respawn at bed location (like normal bed you click at night you with cmi.bedhome at any time), if player doesn't have it, then maybe at home location, if he doesn't have that one, then maybe at spawn location, if that one is not set, then maybe at world spawn location and if that one fails, maybe at custom warp location, and if all this fails, then he will get respawned normally by server or any 3rd party plugin. Different respawn orders can be set for different worlds or use one global for all of them.
    Code (Text):
    # Defines respawn order
    # Posible respawn locations: spawn, bedLocation, homeLocation, worldSpawn, warp![warpName]
    # Where warp![warName] can be any valid warp you set for players to be teleported, they will bypass any requirements for that warp
    - spawn
    - bedlocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
    # Defines respawn order for defines worlds
    # Remove world if you want to leave respawn handling for server or 3rd party plugin
    - spawn
    - bedlocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
    - spawn
    - bedlocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
    - spawn
    - bedlocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
  • Small fix for "issue" when you would get error messages on the first run.
  • Small fix for portal particles not appearing after relog if you do it near a portal.
  • As it got to my attention about an issue when your locale or any other file is being modified improperly and it getting reset. Now failed file copy will be moved into FileBackups folder with appropriate time date. So you can check it out and fix it if needed. You will get an error message in console what is wrong with file and some information where exactly file got moved.