[1.8.x-1.12.1] ►►► HyperDrive ►►► | A New Approach To Teleportation | ►►►

NULLED [1.8.x-1.12.1] ►►► HyperDrive ►►► | A New Approach To Teleportation | ►►► 3.9.4

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Change ► Modified the /tppos command to now take a world and player parameter. They also now use existing messages, so some message now can use the {world} placeholder.
Addition ► Random Teleportation now has a extra check to make sure that players will not be teleported outside of the world border!
Fix ► Fixed some issues that was slowing down the random teleportation instance.
Improvement ► Increased performance and method speeds.
Improvement ► Now properly supports 1.12.1!