[1.8.x-1.12.1] ►►► HyperDrive ►►► | A New Approach To Teleportation | ►►►

NULLED [1.8.x-1.12.1] ►►► HyperDrive ►►► | A New Approach To Teleportation | ►►► 3.9.4

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This update is very important please read everything that is written otherwise HyperDrive is more than likely NOT going to work for you when you update to this build.

I recommend when updating to this version either open the new ‘config.yml’ and apply any changes to your old ‘config.yml’ or just reset it entirely. Due to the 1.13 Id removal HyperDrive was under some heavy recoding configuration wise to prepare for the new Minecraft 1.13 update. Below I provided all the messages that were changed in the ‘lang.yml’, so you guys don’t have to reset that configuration. The ‘menus.yml’ only needs to be tweaked the ‘Id’ option under each item in every menu was replaced with ‘Material’ and takes the type name as a string, for example, ‘Material: “GRASS”’ instead of ‘Id: 2’. Also, under the ‘Edit Menu’ section the ‘Change Id’ item was changed to ‘Change Material’. The ‘hooks.yml’ was untouched.

What was changed in HyperDrive 3.8.2?
  • Each configuration was changed to support and match the upcoming huge change in Minecraft 1.13.
  • All MySQL database functionality was officially removed.
  • The usage of Material IDs is now completely gone you may only use material names. I know this is a huge change and is hurtful, but I wanted to push this change out before 1.13 hits.
  • Added the ‘Creation Date Format’ option under the ‘Icons’ section, which is under the ‘Options’ section.
  • Fixed many console errors when running some of the teleportation related commands.
  • Change some messages to support the upcoming 1.13 update as well. You can view these further down.
  • Changed some other features to also support the upcoming 1.13 update.
  • Replaced the 'hyperdrive.edit.changeid' permission with 'hyperdrive.edit.changematerial'.
What messages in the 'lang.yml' were changed to what?
  • The 'Id Blocked' message was replaced with the following:
    Code (Text):
    Material Blocked: "&cThe material &e%material% &ccan not be used here."
  • The 'Invalid Id' message was replaced with the following:
    Code (Text):
    Invalid Material: "&cThat material is invalid. You can find a full material list here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html"
  • The 'Changed Id' message was replaced with the following:
    Code (Text):
    Changed Material: "&eThe warp icon material has been changed to &a%material%:%durability%&e."
  • The 'Change Id' message was replaced with the following:
    Code (Text):
    Change Material: "&ePlease enter the new material you would like your warp icon to take form as:"
If you guys love HyperDrive and like what i'm doing with it, I encourage you to leave a review and show HyperDrive some love! Leaving a review gives me a huge boost and makes me want to provide you guys with a excessive amount of new HyperDrive content. Thank you!

What was changed in HyperDrive 3.7.6?

  • Warp icons in all menus besides the Warp Shop menu can now display the warp's white listed players.
  • The Warp Shop menu can now display the warp's seller, main owner.
  • The spigot update checker has been fully implemented along with the usage of the new JSON message system that was added into HyperDrive in this update.
  • MCUpdate has been tweaked and heavily modified to always run in the background with HyperDrive's other tasks, but don't worry it is asynchronously ran meaning it will have no effect on the plugin's performance. I did this to provide myself with a solid statistic report of who is using what in HyperDrive.
  • The new player white listing feature has been added to warps. This white list can be toggle inside the edit menu along with the add and remove features. The white list's purpose is to allow the warp owners to control who can use the warp while it's status is public without giving the players ownership.
  • Fixed a couple issues with economy transactions through Vault.
  • Modified the plugin.yml and added the new permissions to the hyperdrive.edit.* parent permission.
Was anything changed in any of HyperDrive's configuration files?

Before we start with this section I do want to mention that you do NOT have to modify your configuration files to have HyperDrive function correctly anymore. HyperDrive has a new safe system that will retrieve default configuration values if the values are NOT found inside your current configuration files. I simply provide you guys with this information, so you can keep up with HyperDrive's expanding configuration.

The answer to the question above is YES. Below are a series of steps that will instruct you how you can get your configuration back on track and up to date:

  1. First, I added some new options under the "Icons" section that is under the "Options" section located in the config.yml file. All you need to do is copy and paste the options in the box below under the "Icons" section and make sure it is matching the format of the configuration.
    Code (Text):
    # This is what the status on the Toggle Player Whitelist button will look like if active. #
    Player Whitelist Status Active: "&7Status: &aACTIVE"
    # This is what the status on the Toggle Player Whitelist button will look like if active. #
    Player Whitelist Status InActive: "&7Status: &cINACTIVE"
    # How should the whitelist format look in the lore? #
    Whitelist Format: "&7Whitelisted Players: %players%"
    # How should the seller format look in the lore? #
    Seller Format: "&7Seller: %seller%"
    # Should HyperDrive show the warp's whitelist in the lore? #
    Show Whitelist: true
    # Should HyperDrive show the warp's seller in the lore when being sold in the warp shop? #
    Show Seller: true
  2. Second, I added some new economy values under the "Prices" section located at the bottom of the config.yml file. Simply copy and paste the options in the box below into the configuration, while making sure it is following the format of the configuration.
    Code (Text):
    Add To Whitelist: 50
    Remove From Whitelist: 50
    Toggle Whitelist: 100
  3. Third, I added some new messages into the lang.yml file under the "warp related" section. Simply copy the messages in the box below and paste them under the section mentioned earlier.
    Code (Text):
    Add To Whitelist: "&ePlease enter in the name of the player you wish to add to the warp player whitelist:"
    Remove From Whitelist: "&ePlease enter in the name of the player you wish to remove from the warp player whitelist:"
    Toggle Player Whitelist: "&eThe warp &a%warp% &ehas had its player whitelist set to &d%status%&e."
    Whitelist Player Invalid: "&cThe player &e{player} &cwas unable to be found. Please use the cancel word to cancel this chat interaction or enter a valid player name."
    Whitelist Added: "&eThe player &a{player} &ehas been added to the warp player whitelist!"
    Whitelist Removed: "&eThe player &a{player} &ehas been removed from the warp player whitelist!"
    Whitelist Player Invalid: "&cThe player &e{player} &cwas not found in the warp player whitelist. Please try another player."
    Not In Whitelist: "&cIt seems you are not in the warp &e%warp%'s &cwhitelist."
  4. Finally, I added three new items/buttons under the "Items" section under the "Edit Menu" section located inside the menus.yml file. Simply copy the items/buttons in the box below and paste them under that "Items" section, while making sure it is following the configuration's format.
That's it! You have successfully manually updated your configuration files.
What Happened in the Update?
  • All dependencies were updated to the latest. You can view the specific versions used in the image below:
  • I have decided to remove the NSTC JAR file to terminate the ZIP file download. Under the installation section on the HyperDrive page I provided instructions on how to create your own NSTC JAR file.
  • Added support for a Spigot based update checker (not fully implememted yet.)
I have been thinking about opening a small github for a slight hyperdrive wiki. Here you guys could also share language conversions and everything as a community.

  • Fixed a issue with economy warp create via chat interaction in the "My Warps" menu.
  • Fixed some configuration issues involving animations.
New Stuff
  • Added the all new /tpahere command, which allows you to request a player to teleport them to you.
  • Added a couple new messages to the lang.yml. You don't have to add these as HyperDrive now uses missing messages and options from the configuration located inside the JAR file.
    Code (Text):
    No TPAHere Request: "&cYou currently have no tpahere requests from &e{requester}&c. It is possible that the tpahere has expired."
    TPAHere Accepted Requested: "&aYou have successfully accepted &e{requester}'s &atpahere request. You will be teleported to them btw!"
    TPAHere Accepted Requester: "&aYour tpahere request has been successfully accepted by &e{requested}&a. They were teleported to you btw!"
    TPAHere Denied Requested: "&aYou have successfully denied &e{requester}'s &atpahere request!"
    TPAHere Denied Requester: "&e{requested} &chas denied your tpahere request to teleport to them."
    TPAHere Invalid Player: "&cThe entered player was invalid. Please make sure the player is online!"
    TPAHere Request Active: "&cYou are unable to request someone to teleport to you, while you already have a pending request."
    TPAHere Request Sent: "&aYou have successfully requested &e{player}&a to teleport to you!"
    TPAHere Request Received: "&e{player} &awishes you to teleport to them!"
  • Changed some messages and the way they are worded in the config.yml and the lang.yml.
Yes..yes...yes..I did it. I removed MySQL from HyperDrive completely and added the new MySQL converter. The converter is automated and only activates when you use "/hyperdrive reload" or simply when the plugin enables. In the image below you can see the new configuration section. This section actually replaces the old MySQL section. Please also note that this new converter is only a stable release I plan on revamping it and making it faster etc. in the future. Oh...by the way if you guys feel like I need to explain it more feel free to tell me to do so! I hope you guys enjoy!

P.S. I may have dropped a good 10kb off the plugin's size as well! ;)

Mind the small spelling mistake in the configuration text it was a overlooked typo...stuff happens. o_O

► Removals ►
  • Removed the entire MySQL storage system.
  • Removed most of the listener classes and combined them.
► Additions ►
  • Added the all new MySQL conversion system. This system is automated when the plugin enables and when it's reload command is used.
► Fixes ►
  • Fixed a issue where when changing the warp description color the warp menu would be opened along with the chat interaction.
  • Fixed it so now the edit menu now relies on the retreat menu option located in the menus configuration file.
  • Fixed some small issues with YAML/FLAT file saving and loading.
  • Re-implemented the inaccessible server warp viewing function.
  • Fixed a miscalculation in the listing system.
  • Updated the default Standalone Teleportation System (STS) help listing.
  • Added the "Hide Inaccessible Warps" option to the "Server Warp Menu" inside the Menus.yml. This basically tells HyperDrive if you want warps to be hidden from players without access to them inside the server warps menu. It checks if the player has access by seeing if they have the warp permission or if they are the owner of it. It must look like this:
Fix ► Fixed all menu page systems. Each one now works as intended with the new slot system and sorting function.
Fix ► Fixed the create command not properly taking in the entered status.
Change ► Changed how the page cooldown functions inside the code (nothing big that you guys need to know about really.)