✪ ReferralSystem [MySQL|SQLite] [PlaceholderAPI and LeaderHeads] ✪

NULLED ✪ ReferralSystem [MySQL|SQLite] [PlaceholderAPI and LeaderHeads] ✪ 2.6.3

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

ReferralSystem is a plugin which allows players to invite others to gain an certain reward, this plugin is made to increase the popularity of your server.
This plugin has been tested in version 1.10
Check out my other projects as well:
✪ DeluxePlayerOptions ✪
✪ DeluxeMaintenance✪

  • Multiple commands.
  • Easy to use GUI.
  • Customizable GUI.
  • All customizable messages.
  • Reloads the configuration and messages with a single command..
  • MySQL storage.
  • SQLite storage.
  • Different types of commands (player, op, broadcast, give, money, points, tell and console).
  • Let players refer new players using a code..
  • See information about yourself
  • Delivery referral points to player
  • 100% Customizable.
  • Firework!! (1.2+)
  • Sounds (1.3+)
  • Particles (1.4+)
  • PlaceHolderAPI support (2.1+)
  • LeaderHeads support (2.2+)
  • Multiple languages (EN, ES) (2.3+)
  • Requires-PlayTime (2.6+)
  • And more!

This plugin use the following variables
For more Placeholders use PlaceholderAPI
PlaceholderAPI placeholders

Create top players with the plugin LeaderHeads

rs-points and rs-referral

Example with signs:
  • line 1 [LeaderHeads]
  • line 2 rs-points
  • line 3 #
    • line 1 [LeaderHeads]
    • line 2 rs-referral
    • line 3 #
Replace # by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc

Example with LeaderHeads and HolographicDisplays :

Replace # by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc
  • <rs-points_name_#> --> shows the name of the player on this rank in the all-time leaderboard. (Example: <rs-points_name_1>)
  • <rs-points_score_#> --> shows the score of the player on this rank in the all-time leaderboard.(Example: <rs-points_score_1>)

The value of the points and referral can be displayed in any plugin that works with PlaceHolderAPI

  • %rs_points%
  • %rs_referrals%
Example with QuickBoard

/referral help | /referido ayuda
Code (Text):
Permission Node:
Show the basic commands for this plugin!

/referral info | /referido info
Code (Text):
Permission Node:
View your referral information.
/referral list| /referido lista
Code (Text):
Permission Node: referral.list[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Description: View your referral list.
View your referral information.

/referral code | /referido codigo
Code (Text):
Permission Node:
Generate your referral code!
/referral claim | /referido reclamar
Code (Text):
Permission Node:
Use this to claim rewards that you would get when someone has used your code.

/referral <numb> | /referido <numero>
Code (Text):
Permission Node:
Use this to activate referral code!
/referral top
Code (Text):
Permission Node:referral.top

Description: It shows the best players with more referrals!

/referral addpoints <player> <value> | /referido addpoints <player> <value>
Code (Text):
Permission Node: referral.admin
Adds points to a registered player in the database..

/referral reload | /referido recargar
Code (Text):
Permission Node:
Reload the configuration and messages file.

    • /referral code - to generate your code.
    • Give your referral code to another player.
    • Player with the code used /referral <code here>
    • Both players get reward. Referred and Referrer player gets referral points when he activates the code.
    • Use /referral claim to get your rewards

This plugin has 3 configuration files; config.yml for general confuguracion, messages.yml for more message, claim.yml to edit gui of reconpensas.

Code (Text):

Update-Check: true
Messages: EN
Prefix: '&4&lReferralSystem &c>> '
Points-Reward-Player: 20
Points-Reward-Referrer: 5
Limit-Player-IP: true
Max-Player-IP: 5
Fireworks-Enable: true
Particles-Enable: true
Sounds-Enable: true
Menu-Claim: true
Requires-PlayTime: true
Min-PlayTime: 500
enable: false
SuperCredits: false
PlayerPoints: false
Vault: false
type: SQLite
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: minecraft
username: root
password: '1234'

Code (Text):
No-Console: '&bNot available in the console.'
No-Permission: '&7You not have permission to use this command.'
Claim-No-Permission: '&7You do not have permission to claim this.'
Claim-No-Points: '&7You do not have enough points to claim this.'
Command-Use: '&a - &7Use &e/Referral help'
Reward-Given: '&7Your reward been given'
Description-Use: '&a - &7To view the basic commands'
Help-CommandList: '&7Lista de comandos:'
Help-Command-Help: '&a- &e/Referral help'
Help-Description-Help: '&a- &7Show the basic commands for this plugin!'
Help-Command-Code: '&a- &e/Referral code'
Help-Description-Code: '&a- &7Generate your referral code!'
Help-Command-Claim: '&a- &e/Referral claim'
Help-Description-Claim: '&a- &7Use this to claim rewards that you would get when someone
has used your code.'
Help-Command-Info: '&a- &e/Referral info'
Help-Description-Info: '&a- &7View your referral information.'
Help-Command-Activate: '&a- &e/Referral <number>'
Help-Description-Activate: '&a- &7 Use this to activate referral code!'
Help-Command-Reload: '&a- &e/Referral reload'
Help-Description-Reload: '&a- &7Reload the configuration and messages file.'
Generating-Code: '&7Generating your referral code...'
Your-Code: '&7Your referral code is:'
Your-Referrals: '&a- &7Your Referrals:'
Your-Referral-Points: '&a- &7Your Referral Points:'
Error-Code: '&7Code is not valid!'
No-Use-Your-Code: '&7You can not use your referral code!'
Checking-Code: '&7Checking your code!'
Activate-Code: '&7Code activate! You and the referrer will get a reward now!'
Reward-Player: '&7You get &6<points> &7referral points for using refercode!'
Reward-Referrer: '&7The player &b<player> &7use your referral code, You get &6<points>
&7referral points!'
Already-Used: '&7You have already used a referral code!'

Copy the JAR file in the directory of plugins
Restart the server to install.
And enjoy the plugin!.

Please read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing:

    • By purchasing ReferralSystem you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
    • You cannot distribute this plugin or any part of it.
    • You cannot do fake reviews or reviews calling for help, reporting a bug or blackmailing.
    • We can modify the price, utilities or any information along plugins updates.
    • You will not attempt to modify the ReferralSystem plugin source code without direct permission from me.
    • You will only use my plugin on your server or network.
    • You may not place a negative review about a problem before sending a PM about it first.
    • This is a digital product, There are no refunds...
First release
Last update
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