
  1. Direct-Leaks.com

    THEME Beryllium - Brivium 1.5.8

    At the first glance, the color and background of style are washed you of nothing. Like the emotion of home-sick. You want to come back home now, even you are very far away from your hometown. Beryl is a very rare and expensive gemstone which people have used for making jewelry and ornament...
  2. Direct-Leaks.com

    THEME Xenith - Audentio 1.5.9

    Xenith is a carefully designed theme for XenForo. We took special care in crafting each XenForo page to ensure quality and offer an engaging and interactive experience for your users. From profile to the postbit, from the threadlist to search listings, we made sure the design was cohesive. We...
  3. Direct-Leaks.com

    THEME UIX Dark - Audentio 1.5.7

    UI.X is a feature-rich XenForo theme that is built around the idea that it can be thrown any scenario and handle it beautifully. If you want your visitors to have a fully responsive beautiful metro/flat user interface with features such as a sticky navigation, side by side nodes, social media...
  4. Direct-Leaks.com

    THEME Rekt - Audentio 1.5.7

    #Rekt is an incredibly unique premium theme for XenForo that uses strong color contrast by default to highlight content. It utilizes a simplified color palette to make changing color schemes as quick as three easy edits. We start with bold colors by default for an edgier, gamer look. But this...
  5. Direct-Leaks.com

    THEME Tactical - Audentio

    The ultimate in gaming themes, Tactical comes with 10+ game designs including 10 just for Minecraft packaged right in. You can select from Battlefield 4, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, Starcraft 2, Team Fortress 2, DOTA2, Counterstrike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 2, and...
  6. Direct-Leaks.com

    THEME AntiQuark - Audentio 1.5.8

    Antiquark is the counter-design to Quark and essentially the light version of the XenForo theme. It comes out with a gamer pink color, but can be easily changed to blue or green very easily. Some of the features include side by side nodes, logo on top of the sidebar or logo on top of the...
  7. Direct-Leaks.com

    CONFIG Treasures (PREMADE CONFIG) 1.0

    Treasures [PRO] Configured by me. Images coming soon..
  8. Direct-Leaks.com


    EZRanksPro Configured by me. Images coming soon..
  9. Direct-Leaks.com

    CONFIG TokenEnchant (PREMADE CONFIG) 1.0

    Token Enchant Configured by me. Images coming soon..
  10. Direct-Leaks.com

    CONFIG Gadgets Menu (PREMADE CONFIG) 1.0

    Gadgets Menu Configured by me. Images coming soon..
  11. Direct-Leaks.com

    CONFIG CarlTheCreeper (PREMADE CONFIG) 1.0

    Carl The Creeper Configured by me. Images coming soon..
  12. Direct-Leaks.com

    Skype Chat Colours 1.0

    Leaked from MCAltz.
  13. Direct-Leaks.com

    SERVER Quality Bedwars Setup 1.0

    This setup includes maps, plugins and premade arenas This is not setup for bungeecord its setup for Multi Arena
  14. Direct-Leaks.com

    HACKED-CLIENT Huzuni VIP - Hacked Client LATEST

    Do you use the regular Huzuni client? Want to use more of their mods that are VIP? Well now you can, just upload to your .minecraft versions folder and play with VIP features.
  15. Direct-Leaks.com


    No description found. This was released on spigot then was deleted. There was only 269 downloads.
  16. Direct-Leaks.com


    No description found. This was released on spigot then was deleted. There was only 14 downloads.
  17. Direct-Leaks.com


    Survival Games Premium v2.6.9 Release Have you ever played on the big networks like MCGamer, The Hive, or Hypixel? Have you ever wanted a Survival Games plugin that is just like theirs? Well, you've found the right plugin. SGPremium is like no other. This plugin is meant is meant for one...
  18. Direct-Leaks.com


    This is a youtuber plugin that i purchased a while back. Sadly it was removed from Spigot for certain reasons. Some people may still want this so here it is :) Please note that this is a skript! and requires certain plugins
  19. Direct-Leaks.com

    NULLED LuckyIslands | Cage Colors | Kits | Bungee & MultiArena 2.5

    About As most people know, there isn't a really good LuckyIslands plugin on Spigot. Most of them either have a lot of bugs or are just unmaintained. So I am here to bring you it. So have fun! Make sure to read all documentation before purchasing this plugin. :) Features - Maps system -...
  20. Direct-Leaks.com

    MAP ⚡ 17 Practice/1vs1/2vs2/FFA (130x130) Arenas for $1.99! [75% Off for first 10 buyers!] (0.11 EACH) ⚡ 0.0.2

    The arenas could be used for any PvP server since they are big. Recommended use: - 1vs1 Fights - 2vs2 Fights - Team fights - FFA fights - FFA servers Details: Theme: Biome themed (Mesa, Desert, Plains, Etc.) Size: 130x130 blocks for each arena, all arenas are in a different schematic...