Wormholes - Portals you can see through!

NULLED Wormholes - Portals you can see through! 2.4.5

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  • Improvements to the projection speed
  • Projection packets are sent a little faster to keep up with projections more often
  • Improved lighting algorithm to get the true light of the projection faster
  • Projection self update speed slightly increased to clear any missed projections and relight
  • General improvements and minor fixes
  • This involves rendering near the edges when a player approaches the portal, the player's field of view is larger than the portal almost all of the time, however in this case, blocks can be ignored if it is out of the player's fov
  • This also helps with a couple of projection artifacts left behind while moving around (VERY) large portals.
Bugfixes & General Improvements to the projection service
  • Fixed several errors in the console while loading
  • Fixed other issues thrown to the console when projecting
  • Improved bungeecord communication speed (smaller packets, more sent)
  • Fixed projection artifact when facing N>N S>S W>W E>E