Ultimate Essentials PRO ✪ ONLY $2.00! ✪ [1.8-1.11] ✪ Test Server Open ✪ Over 160 Commands!

NULLED Ultimate Essentials PRO ✪ ONLY $2.00! ✪ [1.8-1.11] ✪ Test Server Open ✪ Over 160 Commands! 3.0.2

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This is our biggest most ambitious update yet! We coded UEP from the ground up, recoding almost every single command! If there are any bugs please send us a message or contact us on discord!

+ EssentialsX Converter
+ Recoded/Improved ALL COMMANDS
+ Efficiency Update
+ UUID Supported GUI menus
+ Fixed spawn not working sometimes
+ Fixed god not working when player's hit you
+ Fix /world teleportation on top of nether
+ Fixed issue with signs giving permission messages errors
+ Fixed bank issues (not saving money and shit)
+ Changed the permission to use signs from 'ue.signs.click.<sign>' to 'ue.signs.use.<sign>'

Users with update 3.0+ can perform /ue update on their server to auto-update.

+ Fixed installer bug with default aliases-english.sk file

Users with update 3.0+ can perform /ue update on their server to auto-update.

+ Fixed a bug where /eco set would not give you the correct amount of money