Treasure Hunt

NULLED Treasure Hunt 3.0.5

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Patch (3.0):
The sql queries were badly formated so that the update of data on saving was not working properly.

[*] Bug fixing (data saving).
Patch (3.0):
When the player an admin wanted to reset didn't exist, the message which was sent was badly formated.

[*] Aesthetic bug fixed (reset player null message badly formated).
Patch (3.0):
A prefix has been added to the tables generated by the plugin (when using the SQL data system), in order to prevent any type of compatibility issues with other plugins or services using the same database.

[*] The prefix "th_" has been added to all the tables created by the plugin.

The data system has suffered some changes, it is recommended to check the database tables created by previous versions.
Patch (3.0):
The flat file data system was not working properly when saving the data, and so the data was not loaded correctly either.

[*] Bug fixed (flat file data system saving and loading).

The data system has suffered some changes, it is recommended to check the data file created by previous versions.
Patch (3.0):
Some bugs have been fixed. MySQL SSL connection, exception when saving data on disabling, and MVdW Placeholder API dependency.

[*] Bug fixed (Exception thrown when connecting to the database because of insecure connection).
[*] Bug fixed (Exception when disabling the plugin after a failure to connect to the database. The plugin tryed to save the unloaded data).
[*] Bug fixed (MvDWPlaceholderAPI was a dependency instead of a soft dependency, an exception was thrown if that plugin was not loaded).
Major update:
The plugin now offers database and MVdW Placeholders support!
As well as multi-lobby and multi-server support.
Some aesthetic bugs have been fixed.

[+] Database support (MySQL...).
[+] MVdW Placeholders API support. In order to use it you must download it.
[+] Multi-lobby & multi-server support.

[*] Asthetic bug fixed (typos in code and config).
[*] Asthetic bug fixed (color codes where not replacing in the subtitle when a player hunts a treasure).

The data system has suffered some changes, it is recommended to check the data file created by previous versions. The config file contains more options and messages, an overwrite of the config file is required. It is recommended to check the resource information page.
Patch (2.3):
Fixed some things related to code interns.

[*] Optimized code.