SUPERGUILDS | Superior, enhanced, factions-like. | GUILD WAR, GUILDS EMLEM, NEW FEATURES

NULLED SUPERGUILDS | Superior, enhanced, factions-like. | GUILD WAR, GUILDS EMLEM, NEW FEATURES 6.3.9

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  1. Fixed locale issues.
  2. Fixed gold passes max limit when you kill other guild's players.
  3. Now Townhall upgrades your worker limit correct.
  4. Schematics has updated! Please put new ones.
  5. Fixed tons of issues awell.
"/sg updatelocale"
  1. Now for new update you'll use "/sg sync " no more. You don't have to delete your own translations. To add new messages or get messages your locale file hasn't use this command.
  1. Fixed "/sg region" command showing wrong arguments.
  2. Fixed file manager bug for create dublicate files.
  3. And more...
'Creating Guilds In Regions':
  1. '/sgadmin region allow <region>' - Adds regions to the list. Players can create guilds in these regions.
  2. '/sgadmin region disallow <region>' - Removes region from the list. Players no longer can create guilds in these regions.

  1. /guilds ally <guild> - Sends a invitation to their leader to be allies. Allies guilds cannot war or attack each other.
  2. /guilds enemy <guild> - Removes a guild from ally list.
  3. /guilds allies - Shows allies.

  1. You can change all level prices in alchemy now.
  2. Fixed War Inventory Loss bug.
  3. SUPERGUILDS File Manager has changed a little bit.
  4. Added more settings. Do not forget to use /sg sync config and /sg sync locale.
  • Fixed a crash bug.
  • Fixed "The command : /guilds war always says that the guild you are trying to fight with, do not exist." Thanks to @dadee971
Added "/g motd" command:
  • "/g motd <message>" adds a message that will be show in player join as title.
  • You can use "/g motd" if you wanna remove motd message.
  • You must be "Leader" or "General" guild rank.
Fixed locales file.
  • Fixed "War" console spam. Thanks to @Fargus