

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

This plugin is for people ho don't like to spend countless minutes sorting out chests after returning from mines. Now you can just use /deposit command and all your loot will be placed in appropriate chest instantly and you are ready to go back to mines!

  • Automatic inventory item moving to chests with one short command /deposit or by just shift + left clicking a nearest chest. All items will be placed in appropriate chest with nice order.
  • Friend system - friends can deposit to your chests
  • Option to disable auto depositing to some of chests
  • CrackShot support
  • Option to blacklist items while interacting with chests to have best experience and avoid interfering.
  • Option to set different sorting methods for your chests to have exactly what you want
By Id

By Name

By Tools

By Weapons

By Armor

By Books Enchantment

By Stack Sizes

  • Smart sorting by weapons/armor/tool value depending on from what material its made. Shift + right click for easy access to GUI and easy sorting order change on fly without any commands.

  • Automatic chest registering on place or on first open, so any plot protection plugin is compatible with this plugin.
  • Based on sqlite/mysql data base to have best performance
  • Option to sort your inventory by double clicking on empty slot
  • Option to have automatic item replace in inventory. In example when you are building, by placing last block it will be replaced with same from your inventory if you have it there. Same for torches to have best mining experience.

  • /sorter deposit -q or just /deposit -q - this will move your items into appropriate chests. -q variable is optional and using it your items from quick bar will be taken to, as by default it will be skipped to avoid "losing" your most used items.
  • /sorter padd [name] - manually adds player as friend for him to have deposit feature to your chest
  • /sorter pdel [name] - removes player from friends list
  • /sorter info - shows chests information
  • /sorter autodeposit [true/false] - you wont auto deposit to chests with false state
  • /sorter reload - just reload config and locale file

  • sorter.*:
    • description: Grants access to all sorter commands
    • default: op
    • children:
      • sorter.admin: true
  • sorter.admin:
    • description: Grants permissions as an admin
    • default: false
    • children:
      • sorter.command.*: true
  • sorter.command.*:
    • description: Grants player access to all commands
    • default: false
    • children:
      • sorter.command.reload: true
      • sorter.command.deposit: true
      • sorter.autoreplace: true
      • sorter.addnewchest: true
      • sorter.autosortchest: true
      • sorter.doubleclicksort: true
      • sorter.quickbardeposit: true
      • sorter.range.10: true
  • sorter.command.reload:
    • description: Grants access to the reload command
    • default: op
  • sorter.command.deposit:
    • description: Grants access to the deposit command and shift + left clicking chest
    • default: true
  • sorter.command.autodeposit:
    • description: Grants access to the autodeposit command
    • default: true
    • description: Grants access to the info command
    • default: true
  • sorter.command.padd:
    • description: Grants access to the padd command
    • default: true
  • sorter.command.pdel:
    • description: Grants access to the pdel command
    • default: true
  • sorter.autoreplace:
    • description: Grants access to item auto replace in players inventory
    • default: true
  • sorter.addnewchest:
    • description: Grants access for adding new chests into database
    • default: true
  • sorter.autosortchest:
    • description: Grants access for auto sorting chest on close
    • default: true
  • sorter.doubleclicksort:
    • description: Grants access for double click to auto sort your inventory
    • default: true
  • sorter.quickbardeposit:
    • description: Grants access for depositing items from quickbar
    • default: true
  • sorter.range.10:
    • description: Sets range to look for registered chests
    • default: true
  • sorter.chestbypass
    • description: Lets to deposit items interacting with another players chests
    • default: op

Code (Text):

# Config file for all Basic functions

# Do you want to use Mysql database system or SQLite
# Use: mysql or sqlite
DataBaseType: sqlite
# Not usable if sqlite file system chosen
# Usually localhost or
mysqlHost: localhost
# Default port is 3306
mysqlPort: 3306
# Database table name
mysqlDatabase: sorter
# Database username, usually its root
mysqlUsername: root
# Your mysql database password, keep it as strong as posible
mysqlPassword: trysplytos
# Set default sorting mode on chest creation. Posible: None, Id, Name, Weapons, Tools, Armor, Enchant
DefaultSortingMode: Name
# Do you want to enable auto inventory sorting by double clicking empty slot
DoubleClickSorting: true
# When this true, player can deposit items only by clicking on his chest
PreventClickingOnRandomChest: true
# Do you want to enable block auto replace feature in quick slot
AutoReplace: true
# List of item id's to be ignored when auto replacing them in inventory
- 6
- 31
- 32
# List of item id's to be ignored when interacting with chest
- 54
- 130
- 146
- 154
- 63
- 68
- 323
- 389

Code (Text):

# Full color code support and some variables
# Keep in mind that variables wont work for some lines, when it will for anothers :smile:
# Just keep them where there are now and everything will be ok :smile:

prefix: '&e[&aSorter&e] '
noperm: '&4You dont have permission!'
notregistered: '&eThis chest is still not registered!'
belongsto: '&eThis chest belongs to &3[name]&e!'
full: '&eYou can''t add more items!'
cancel: '&eNo changes where made!'
updated: '&eItem list updated!'
updatedlocation: '&eChest location updated!'
connected: '&eChest have been connected!'
newchest: '&eYou have added new chest!'
NoUsers: '&cThere is no registered users with this name!'
- '&e************************************************************'
- '&e* You have added new chest into database for auto sorting'
- '&e* Now you can place items from your inventory by sneaking and left clicking
- '&e* Additionally you can shift right click chest with empty hand to adjust sorting'
- '&e* Same items currently present in chest will be taken from your inventory and
placed in appropriate chests automatically, but NOT from quick bar slots'
- '&e************************************************************'
usage: '&eUsage: &6%usage%'
title: '&2----&e ==== &6Sorter &e==== &2----'
title2: '&e[] - Required &3() - Optional'
info: '&2Shows all commands'
args: ''
info: '&2Deposit items into nearby chests'
args: ''
nodeposit: '&eNo items have been deposited to nearby chests.'
deposit: '&3[amount] &eitem stacks have been deposited into nearby chests!'
info: '&2Delete friend from chest'
args: '[name]'
StartDeletion: '&ePunch every chest from witch one''s you want to delete exFriend.
Punch any non chest block to cancel'
Canceled: '&6Friend deletion has been canceled!'
NoFriends: '&6Dint found any friends with this name here!'
Removed: '&6Friend have been successfully removed!'
info: '&2Add friend to chest'
args: '[name]'
StartAdding: '&ePunch every chest to witch one''s you want to add Friend. Punch
any non chest block to cancel'
Canceled: '&6Friend adding has been canceled!'
Exist: '&6This friend is already added to chest!'
Added: '&6Friend have been successfully added!'
info: '&2Shows chest information'
args: ''
Start: '&ePunch every chest to see its infoemation. Punch any non chest block
to cancel'
Canceled: '&6Info check canceled'
Exist: '&6This friend is already added to chest!'
Separator: '&6*****************************'
Owner: ' &6Owner: &e[name]'
Friends: ' &6Friends:'
FriendsList: ' &6[number]. &e[name]'
info: '&2Sets chest to auto deposit or not'
args: '[true/false]'
StartSetting: '&ePunch every chest to set autodeposit to &6[state] &estate.
Punch any non chest block to cancel'
Canceled: '&6AutoDeposit settup canceled'
Updated: '&6Chest autodeposit set to &e[state] &6state!'
info: '&2Reload config files'
args: ''
output: '&2Config files where reloaded'

  1. Drag and Drop jar into your plugins folder
  2. Start server for default files to be created
  3. Edit by your choice and enjoy :smile:
Terms and conditions

Plugin is under the All rights reserved license
This plugin cannot be refunded
You are not allowed to redistribute or resell this plugin in any website
You are not allow to modify or decompile this plugin
The price will change in the future
If you have new ides or have any issue with plugin, just shout in forum section and i will gonna help you as much as i can.

Review section only for reviews, if you have errors or something don't work or you have something to tell, just write in
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. One more

    Small fix when closing UI but plugin for one or another reasons fails to find target chest in...
  2. Fixes and things

    Added missing locale for GUI title line Added option to disable plugin in particular worlds Fix...
  3. Fix

    Small adjustment for better detection of double chests