
NULLED RPGHorses 1.5.2_MC1.11

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Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

This project has to be maintened separately for Minecraft version <1.10. I always post two files, so be sure to download the latest one for your version in Version History. The MC1.10 version is compatible with Minecraft from 1.8.8 to 1.10.2

With this plugin you can manage a RPG-like horse system. Buy the saddle from the NPC, level-up your horses and combine them to get an higher tier one!

  • All possible types and variants of horses
  • Infinite tiers of horses, all configurable
  • Horses are saved in a saddle that you can store everywhere and even trade with other players
  • Horses can be leveled-up by riding them, this will increase their speed
  • Players can combine saddles of the same tier to get higher ones, this process success percentage is based on the levels of the two saddles
  • Merchant NPCs that sell saddles
  • Admin commands to fully personalize your experience with this plugin
  • Lot of configuration possibilities, well explained
  • Integration with WorldGuard to prevent players to ride in certain areas
  • Integration with Vault to set saddles prices
  • Integration with Citizens to create your own NPCs
In-game help is also available through /rpghorses
Since all of these are admin commands they require the permission:
  • /rpghorses reload: Reload configurations
  • /rpghorses saddle <tier>: Gives you a saddle of that tier
  • /rpghorses saddle <tier> <player>: Gives the player a saddle of that tier
  • /rpghorses addseller <id>: Add a Citizens NPC as an horse seller
  • /rpghorses addseller <id> <tiers>: Add a Citizens NPC as an horse seller that can sell only specified tiers
  • /rpghorses removeseller <id>: Remove a Citizens NPC from horse sellers
  • /rpghorses addprice <tier> <price>: Add the saddle price for that tier
  • /rpghorses addnorideregion <regionName>: Prevent players from riding in a WorldGuard region
Quick start guide
1. Installing:
  • Drag the plugin into you server plugin folder
  • Download and put WorldGuard (needs WorldEdit), Vault (needs an economy system like EssentialsX to work properly),Citizens in your server plugin folder if you want the integrations
  • Start the server
2. Configuring
  • Configure sections of the config.yml (everything is explained)
  • In the horses section you can create as much tiers of horses as you want, just copy a sub-section (like Horse1, Horse2...) and paste it below (remember to change the tier, ONLY ONE horse per tier). Please keep the default spacing, or the plugin will not work
  • If you want to prevent players to ride in certain areas, you need to edit the ProtectedRegions list
  • Use /rpghorses reload (some changes need a full server restart)
3. Test
  • Use /rpghorses saddle <tier> to give you a saddle of that tier, then just click on the saddle to spawn the horse. You can also use /rpghorses saddle <tier> <player> even from the console to give a player the saddle of that tier
  • To spawn an horse just right click with the saddle in hand, it will despawn if you move away or on shift-right clicking the saddle
  • Set the prices for all the tiers with /rpghorses addprice <tier> <price> (can also be done from config.yml)
  • Spawn a Citizens NPC with the /npc create command, and get his ID from /npc list, then use /rpghorses addseller <id> to add that NPC as an horse merchant. You can also use /rpghorses addseller <id> <tiers> to set the merchant to only sell the specified tiers (ex: /rpghorses addseller 0 1,2)
Default (english) config.yml:
Code (Text):

Version: 1.5
#General configurations section
#Name of custom horse, %p is a placeholder for the owner's name
HorseDisplayName: '%p''s horse'
#Sound to play when the horse you are riding level up
#Set to false to enable player damaging other entities when riding an horse
BlockDamageWhenRiding: true
#Set to true to enable auto-mount of horse when spawned with the saddle (WARNING: can cause glitches, false is highly recommended)
AutoRide: false
#Set to true if you wish to check on every player that has a horse spawned movement the distance with the horse
#Set to false to check only when a player that has a horse spawned leaves the chunk: if the horse has lived for more than the given time it will despawn
UseDistance: false
#If UseDistance: true
#The max distance between the player and the horse before despawning it
MaxDistance: 25
#If UseDistance: false
#Time to wait before despawning the horse if not mounted, in seconds
#Set to 0 to despawn the horse when dismounted
Time: 30
#Set to true if you want to remove saddle upgrades through crafting
DisableUpgrades: false
#Set to false to disable vanilla horse spawning
Spawn: true
#Set to false to disable vanilla horse taming
Tame: true
#Set the min and max upgrade chance (from 0.0, no chances, to 1.0, always upgrade)
#The actual chance will be calculated between these 2 values and based on the two saddles levels
#(combining 2 saddles level max will have greater chances to successfully upgrade the horse)
Min: 0.2
Max: 0.5
#WorldGuard regions where the player can't ride
#This is a YAML list, so delete the [] (empty list) and add lines: - <regionName>
#- spawn
#- shop
ProtectedRegions: []
#If UseDistance is set to false, you may want to add in this list every command that makes your players teleport away from their horses to prevent a duplication glitch
#You must also add here all commands that make your players switch inventories
#When a player execute a command in this list his mount will be despawned
- spawn
- tp
- tpa
- home
#Use '' not to print the message to players
UpgradeError: '&cYou can combine two saddle only if they are same tier!'
UpgradeMax: '&cThis is already the max tier'
UpgradeSuccess: '&6You obtained %horse'
UpgradeFail: '&cSaddles did not combine, one has been lost'
CantRide: '&cYou can''t ride in this area'
CantSwap: '&cSaddles can''t be equipped there'
#User friendly names for horse bardings that will be displayed in the lore of the saddle
GOLD_BARDING: 'Gold Barding'
DIAMOND_BARDING: 'Diamond Barding'
#RPGSaddle configurations
#Various information about the horse, you MUST NOT add or remove lines, just modify colors or descriptions
#%xp is in percentage (ChunksTravelled/ChunksToTravel*100)
- '&6Tier: &o%tier'
- '&eLevel: &o%currentlevel/%maxlevel'
- '&eArmor: &o%armor'
- '&eXp: &o%xp%'
#Name of seller GUI
Name: '&cHorse Seller'
#Size of sellet GUI, MUST BE a multiple of 9
Size: 9
PriceMessage: '&6Price: %price'
NoMoney: '&cYou don''t have enough money'
#Prices based on tiers, these will be used if Vault plugin is loaded
'1': 1000
'2': 2000
'3': 3000
#Horses configuration section
#Every single horse MUST have his own subsection like these example
#There MUST be only one horse for tier
#Color, Style and Variants MUST be one of the following:
#Variants - DONKEY, HORSE, MULE, SKELETON_HORSE, UNDEAD_HORSE (Style and Color could not work for some variants)
#Display name of the saddle
Name: '&8Brown Horse'
#Tier of the horse, used for upgrading and getting saddles
#This MUST BE UNIQUE and in ascending order starting from 1
Tier: 1
Color: BROWN
Style: NONE
Variant: HORSE
Armor: NONE
#Speed at level 1
Min: 0.2
#Speed at max level
Max: 0.4
#Speed per level
PerLevel: 0.02
#You may want to balance this whit the Speed section
#If a level up happens and the speed is already at the max cap, it will not be increased
Max: 10
#Chunks to travel to level up
ChunksToTravel: 40
Name: '&6Gold Horse'
Tier: 2
Variant: HORSE
Min: 0.25
Max: 0.45
PerLevel: 0.05
Max: 4
ChunksToTravel: 80
Name: '&bDiamond Horse'
Tier: 3
Variant: HORSE
Min: 0.27
Max: 0.47
PerLevel: 0.05
Max: 4
ChunksToTravel: 100

I tried to explain all the features, if something isn't clear please comment in the section below and I'll do my best to make it understandable!
English is not my main language, if I have made some lessical or grammar mistakes please notice me!

I can easily add retro-compatibility with previous versions of Minecraft, if someone needs it!

Please tell me what you would like to see next in this plugin, as I'm planning to maintain this as long as I can!
First release
Last update
1.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Saddle combining fix, new command, config fix

    Fixed an issue with the saddle upgrade system that halved the chances of a successful upgrade...

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