RADICAL REPORTS | Near-Daily Updates | Bungeecord Support | Clicks-Per-Second Monitor |

NULLED RADICAL REPORTS | Near-Daily Updates | Bungeecord Support | Clicks-Per-Second Monitor | 5.4.1

No permission to download
Fixed the plugin forcing Discord (prevented it)
Now when you report someone, if you have Discord enabled then it'll add reactions to the report on Discord.

When you add a Tick reaction, it sets the report status to Innocent.
Adding a Cross reaction sets it to Guilty.
Adding the Hole reaction deletes the report from the database.

Also fixed numerous bugs - PM me if you find any more concerning this latest update.
Fixed a couple of little errors when using Bungeecord
Thanks @Harvz for finding this bug :p
For people who have a Discord server this will be helpful!
There is a tutorial in the post for how to setup a bot in the FAQ section.
You will have to reset your configuration first, or add the required settings.