ProSkyWars | Bungee-Mode/Multi-Arena | Solo/Team | Party | Voting | Kits | Coin Boosters

NULLED ProSkyWars | Bungee-Mode/Multi-Arena | Solo/Team | Party | Voting | Kits | Coin Boosters 1.5

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

ProSkyWars is a game that is a challenge for everyone to survive for as long as possible. Each player spawns on their own island. The aim of this game is to kill other players, using weapons that you find in chests scattered across the islands. Some chests may be better than others. Play games to unlock kits to make the challenge easier and funnier. This game can be played in Solo or Team Mode. This game has all the wanted features, such as Chest Refilling, World Border and lots of other features.

Extremely lightweight.
Bungee Mode/Multi Arena System.
Voting System! You can vote for Chest Types, Time Types and Health Boosts.
Party System included allowing playing with friends in an easier way.
Solo/Team mode for arenas.
⬤ Kits with abilities!
Tier 1 and Tier 2 chests. You can set specific chests to always be Tier 2 if you want.
⬤ Keep spectating the match on death! Teleporter, Spectator-Settings, Play-Again and Return To Hub.
Auto Join feature!
Supports multiple Hub servers to be sent back to after a game.
Economy rewards at the end of a game via Vault.
Holograms support to show personal stats holograms via HolograpicDisplays.
PlaceholderAPI support for the scoreboard.
⬤ Fully customizable messages, titles and scoreboards.
⬤ Fully working arena restore system!
⬤ Stores data 2 ways to ensure no data loss. Files or SQL Saving.
⬤ Supports 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x & 1.12.x!

1. Buy and download the plugin.

2. For economy rewards you need Vault. CLICK HERE! Keep in mind Vault also needs an economy plugin connected to it. Examples: Essentials & Craftconomy3.

3. If you would like more placeholders I suggest you install PlaceholderAPI also. CLICK HERE!

4. Place the ProSkyWars.jar, Vault.jar and PlaceholderAPI.jar files in your plugins folder.

5. Start and stop your server to make sure the configurations generate.

6. Configure whatever you want. Then start the server and setup your arenas. Follow the tutorial below to ensure you setup them correctly.

ProSkyWarsPHP Addon - CLICK HERE!
Demo/Preview - CLICK HERE!

Current progress:
Coin Booster 75% done
Cage system 20% done

➤ ProSkyWars.Admin ➜
Gives you access to all the commands of ProSkyWars.

ProSkyWars.Game➜ Gives you access to all the game commands and the moderator menu of a game.

ProSkyWars.Game.Push-Effect Gives you the push effect in the direction you are looking once the game starts.

ProSkyWars.Game.Speed-Effect ➜ Gives you the speed effect during grace period once the game starts.

ProSkyWars.Vote.Chest-Types ➜ Gives you the ability to vote for chest types.

ProSkyWars.Vote.Time-Types ➜ Gives you the ability to vote for time types.

ProSkyWars.Vote.Health-Boosts ➜ Gives you the ability to vote for health boosts.

ProSkyWars.Party.Donator-Limit ➜ Gives you the donator limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

ProSkyWars.Party.Vip-Limit ➜ Gives you the Vip limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

ProSkyWars.Party.Mod-Limit ➜ Gives you the Mod limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

ProSkyWars.Party.Admin-Limit ➜ Gives you the Admin limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

ProSkyWars.Economy.Bonus ➜ Gives all the players in a game the extra bonus amount of coins if a player has this permission.

ProSkyWars.Kit.(name) ➜ Gives you the permission to use a kit if the kit has permission requested enabled.

General Commands:
/PSW join ➜
Joins an arena.

/PSW setLobby ➜ Sets the main lobby spawn.

/PSW lobby ➜ Teleports you to the main lobby spawn.

/PSW arena ➜ Shows you the commands for arenas.

/PSW hologram ➜ Shows you the commands for holograms.

/PSW kit ➜ Shows you the commands for kits.

/PSW stats ➜ Shows you the commands for stats.

/PSW editMode➜ Enables or disables your Edit-Mode.

/PSW reload ➜ Reloads the plugin.

Party Commands:
/Party create ➜
Creates a new party.

/Party join ➜ Joins a party.

/Party invite ➜ Invites a player to the party.

/Party kick ➜ Kicks a player to the party.

/Party info ➜ Shows info about the party.

Game Commands:
/Game start ➜
Starts the game.

/Game stop ➜ Stops the game.

/Game moderate ➜ Opens the moderator menu of the game.

Leave Commands:
/Leave ➜
Leaves the game you are in but can also send you back to a hub server.

Arena Commands:
/PSW arena create ➜
Creates a new arena.

/PSW arena delete ➜
Deletes an arena.

/PSW arena setMode ➜ Sets the mode of an arena.

/PSW arena setLobby ➜ Sets the lobby spawn of an arena.

/PSW arena setSpectator ➜ Sets the spectator spawn of an arena.

/PSW arena setWorldBorderCenter ➜ Sets the center of the world border of an arena.

/PSW arena setAuthor ➜ Sets the author of an arena.

/PSW arena addSpawn ➜ Adds a new game spawn of an arena.

/PSW arena removeSpawn ➜ Removes a game spawn of an arena.

/PSW arena listSpawns ➜ Lists all current game spawns of an arena.

/PSW arena addTier2Chest ➜ Adds a new Tier 2 chest of an arena.

/PSW arena removeTier2Chest ➜ Removes a Tier 2 chest of an arena.

/PSW arena setMinimumPlayers ➜ Sets the minimum players requested of an arena to start.

/PSW arena setMaximumPlayers ➜ Sets the maximum players of an arena.

/PSW arena setMinimumChestItems ➜ Sets the minimum amount of chest items of an arena.

/PSW arena setMaximumChestItems ➜ Sets the maximum amount of chest items of an arena.

/PSW arena setMaximumTeamSize ➜ Sets the minimum amount of teams of an arena.

/PSW arena saveWorld ➜ Saves the world to later be used to roll back after usage.

/PSW arena list ➜ Lists all current arenas.

Hologram Commands:
/PSW hologram add ➜
Adds a new hologram.

/PSW hologram delete ➜ Deletes a hologram.

/PSW hologram list➜ Lists all current holograms.

Kit Commands:
/PSW kit create ➜
Creates a new kit.

/PSW kit delete ➜ Deletes a kit.

/PSW kit list ➜ Lists all current kits.

/PSW kit setCost ➜ Sets the cost of a kit.

/PSW kit setSlot ➜ Sets the slot of a kit.

/PSW kit setAbilityCooldown ➜ Sets the ability cooldown of a kit.

/PSW kit setPermissionRequested ➜ Sets if a kit should be requested a permission to use it or not.

/PSW kit setAbilityType ➜ Sets the ability type of a kit.

/PSW kit setAbilityItem ➜ Sets the ability item of a kit.

/PSW kit setIcon ➜ Sets the icon of a kit.

/PSW kit setInventory ➜ Sets the inventory of a kit.

/PSW kit addDescription ➜ Adds a description line of a kit.

/PSW kit removeDescription ➜ Removes a description line from a kit.

/PSW kit showDescription ➜ Shows the current description of a kit.

Stats Commands:
/PSW stats set ➜
Sets stats of a player.

/PSW stats add ➜ Adds stats of a player.

/PSW stats remove ➜ Removes stats of a player.

➜ Default Config
Code (Text):
# Welcome to the configuration of ProSkyWars!
# This plugin is currently supporting 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x & 1.12.x!
# If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, just private message me on SpigotMC.
# SpigotMC Name: File14
# Thank you for purchasing ProSkyWars!

Use: false
Host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: ProSkyWars
Table: ProSkyWarsData
User: root
Password: password

One-Game-Per-Server: false
Send-To-Hub-Instead-Of-Kick: true
Change-MOTD-After-Game-State: false
Games-Until-Server-Restart: 10
- Hub1
- Hub2

#This feature is useful for multiarena. It prevents players taking damage or building when not being in a game.
Player-Events-Blocker: true

Teleport: true
Give-Main-Lobby-Items: true

Prevent-Joining-Game-After-Started: true
Fireworks-Ending: true
Blood-Effect: true
Death-Effect: true

#This feature reduces the time left for the game to start if the game is full!
Smart-Lobby-Countdown: true
EXP-Level-Countdown: true

Lobby-Time: 60
Pre-Game-Time: 8

#Set Chest-Refill, Deathmatch or Game-End to -1 if you would like to disable it.
Until-Chest-Refill: 480
Until-Game-End: 1200

#Disable World Border by setting the start to -1
Start-Size: 500

#Disable World Border shrinking by setting the start to -1
Until-Shrink-Start: 600
End-Size: 70
Shrink-Time: 400

Shoot-Fireballs-Near-Border: true

#You will only be able to see messages from players in your game.
Per-Game-Chat: true
Separate-Spectator-Chat: false

#This feature supports PlaceholderAPI.
Global: "&7(player) &r(message)"
Party: "&d&lPARTY &7(player) &r(message)"
Team: "&a&lTEAM &7(player) &r(message)"
Spectator: "&8SPECTATOR &7(player) &r(message)"

#Listed commands below will be blocked during a game.
- tpa
- spawn
- warp
- kill
- sucide
- tpahere
- tpaccept

#If disabled, basic chests will always be chosen.
Chest-Types-Voting: true
#If disabled, day time will always be chosen.
Time-Types-Voting: true
#If disabled, normal health will always be chosen.
Health-Boosts-Voting: true

#Ex permission: ProSkyWars.Vote.Chest-Types
Chest-Types-Permission: false
Time-Types-Permission: false
Health-Boosts-Permission: false

- pex user (player) add ProSkyWars.Kit.(kit)

Invitation-Expire-Time: 60

#Party Maximum Players Limit Permissions:
#Ex: ProSkyWars.Party.Donator-Limit, ProSkyWars.Party.Vip-Limit
Default: 3
Donator: 5
Vip: 6
Mod: 8
Admin: 10

#This feature requests Vault to be installed!
Use-Vault: true

Participation: 10
Winning: 80

#If a player has the permission: ProSkyWars.Economy.Bonus all players in the game will receive the bonus coins!
Bonus: 15

#This option allows you to turn your ProSkyWars server to ProSkyWars with guns. Tips: Gun resourcepack & Crackshot!
Download-Link: ""
Send-On-Join: false
Remove-On-Game-Over: false
Remove-On-Game-Quit: false
➜ Default Messages
Code (Text):
Joined: "&b(player) &7has joined! &b(players)&c/&b(maximumPlayers)"
Left: "&b(player) &7has left!"
Full: "&cThe game you were joining is now full!"
Already-Started: "&cThe game you were joining has already started!"
Lobby-Starting: "&bThe game is starting in &e(seconds) &bseconds!"
Blocked-Command: "&cYou cannot use that command while you are in a game."
Grace-Period-Start: "&eThere is a (seconds) second grace period before PvP is enabled!"
Grace-Period-Over: "&cThe grace period has ended! &bPvP is enabled!"
No-Available-Arenas: "&cCould not find any available games! Please try again in a moment."
Already-In-A-Game: "&cYou are already in a game!"
Not-In-Game: "&7You are not in a game."
Chest-Refill-Countdown: "&bThe chests will be refilled in &e(seconds) &bseconds!"
Chests-Refilled: "&bThe chests have been refilled!"
Game-Ending: "&cThe game is ending in &e(seconds) &cseconds!"
Game-Ended: "&cThe game has been ended due to too long gameplay."
Game-Cancelled: "&cThe game has been ended. &7Reason:disappointed:reason)"
World-Border-Shrinking-Started: "&cAs time passes the world begins to shrink."
Teleporter-Used: "&aYou were teleported to &7(player)&a!"
Teleporter-Could-Not-Teleport: "&cCould not teleport you to that player."

- "&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#"
- " &e&lGAME &r&e- &aProSkyWars!"
- " "
- " &b&lHOW TO PLAY"
- " &7Search for chests to find loot! Use your loot"
- " &7to defeat your opponents!"
- " &7Last man standing wins!"
- " "
- " &e&lMAP &r&e- &a(arena) &7created by &d(author)&7!"
- "&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#"

- "&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#"
- " "
- " &e&lCoins Earned"
- " "
- "&a+(participationReward) &7for &bParticipation"
- "&a+(winningReward) &7for &bWinning!"
- "6a(killsReward) &7for killing &b(kills) Players"
- "&a+(bonusReward) &7for the game had a &bRanked Player"
- " "
- " &bYou have now got &e(money) coins&b!"
- "&e&l#&r&8&m----------------------------------------------&r&e&l#"

Player: "&b(player) &7has been killed by &c(killer)&7!"
Shot: "&b(player) &7was shot by &c(killer)&7!"
Player-Void: "&b(player) &7was thrown into the void by &c(killer)&7!"
Void: "&b(player) &7fell into the void!"
Fall: "&b(player) &7fell to their death!"
Lava: "&b(player) &7burnt to a crisp in lava!"
Fire: "&b(player) &7burnt to their death!"
Died: "&b(player) &7died!"

Player-Voted: "&b(player) &7has voted for &b(voteObject) &7and now has &b(votes) &7votes!"
Player-Already-Voted: "&cYou can only vote once for each alternative!"
No-Permission-Chest-Types: "&cYou don't have permission to be able to vote for the chest types!"
No-Permission-Time-Types: "&cYou don't have permission to be able to vote for the time types!"
No-Permission-Health-Boosts: "&cYou don't have permission to be able to vote for the health boosts!"
Winning-Object: "&e(voteObject) &bhas won the voting with &e(votes) &bvotes!"

Basic-Chest-Type: "Basic Chests"
Normal-Chest-Type: "Normal Chests"
Overpowered-Chest-Type: "Overpowered Chests"

Day-Time-Type: "Day Time"
Night-Time-Type: "Night Time"

Hardcore-Health-Boost: "Hardcore Health"
Normal-Health-Boost: "Normal Health"
Double-Health-Boost: "Double Health"
Triple-Health-Boost: "Triple Health"

Created: "&d&lPARTY &7You created a party!"
Joined: "&d&lPARTY &b(player) &7has joined the party. &b(players)&c/&b(maximumPlayers)"
Left: "&d&lPARTY &b(player) &7has left &b(leader)'s &7party."
Disbanded: "&d&lPARTY &cYou disbanded your party."
Changed-Privacy-Setting: "&d&lPARTY &e(leader) &7changed the privacy to &e(privacy)&7!"
Invited-Player: "&d&lPARTY &b(leader) &7invited &b(player) &7to the party!"
Transferred-Leadership: "&d&lPARTY &b(player) &7is now the leader of the party."
Full: "&d&lPARTY &7That party is currently full!"
Not-Invited: "&d&lPARTY &7You have not been invited to this party or the invite has expired!"
Invite-Sent: "&d&lPARTY &b(leader) &7has invited &b(player) &7to the party."
Invite-Yourself: "&d&lPARTY &7You cannot invite yourself!"
Invite-Receive: "&d&lPARTY &7You have been invited to &b(leader)'s &7party. This Invitation will expire in &e(seconds) &7seconds!"
Invite-Expired: "&d&lPARTY &7The invite to &b(leader)'s &7party has expired."
Already-Invited: "&d&lPARTY &7You have already a pending invitation to this player."
Already-Member: "&d&lPARTY &7That player is already a member of your party."
Player-Kicked: "&d&lPARTY &7You have been kicked from &b(leader)'s &7party!"
Party-Kicked: "&d&lPARTY &b(player) &7has been kicked from the party!"
Not-Enough-Space: "&d&lPARTY &7You cannot join that game with your party members because it is not enough space for all."
Must-Be-Leader: "&d&lPARTY &7You must be the party leader to do this!"
Player-Not-Online: "&d&lPARTY &7That player is not online."
Must-Be-In-Lobby: "&7You cannot use this party command while being in a game."
Already-Have-Party: "&7You already have a party."
Did-Not-Provide-Command-Correctly: "&cYou did not provide the command correctly."
Player-Does-Not-Have-Party: "&7That player does not have a party anymore."
Player-Not-In-Your-Party: "&7That player is not in your party."
Are-Not-In-Party: "&7You do not have a party."
Party-Of: "&bParty Leader &7(leader)"
Nobody-In-Party: "&cYou do not have any party members in your party except yourself."
Party-Info-Players: "&3Members: &7"

- "&3&m---*--------------------------------------*---"
- "&3&l Party Help"
- "&b /Party create - &7Creates a new party."
- "&b /Party join - &7Joins a party."
- "&b /Party invite - &7Invites a player to the party."
- "&b /Party kick - &7Kicks a player from the party."
- "&b /Party info - &7Shows info about the party."
- "&3&m---*--------------------------------------*---"

Joined: "&b(player) &7has joined the team. &b(players)&c/&b(maximumPlayers)"
Left: "&b(player) &7has left the team."
Full: "&7That team is currently full!"
Already-Joined: "&7You have already joined this team."

Not-Selected: "None"
Already-Selected: "&7You have already selected this kit."
Selected: "&7You selected the &b(kit) &7kit!"
Not-Enough-Money: "&7You can't afford this kit."
Disabled: "&cKits are currently disabled in this game."
Used-Ability: "&7You used the kit ability!"
Ability-Cooldown-Over: "&7You can now use your kit ability again!"

Recieved: "&aYou have recieved &e(multiplier) &6CoinBooster &afor &e(time) minute(s)!"
Modify: "&aYour &6CoinBooster &ahas been modified to &e(multiplier) &aand will expire in &e(time) &aminute(s)!"
Broadcast: "&aPlayer &e(player) &ahas recieved &e(multiplier) &6CoinBooster &afor &e(time) &aminute(s)!"

Refill-Chests: "&b(player) &7has refilled the chests!"
Changed-Chest-Type: "&b(player) &7has changed the chest type to &e(chestType)&7!"
Changed-Time-Type: "&b(player) &7has changed the time type to &e(timeType)&7!"
Changed-Health-Boost: "&b(player) &7has changed the health boost to &e(healthBoost)&7!"
Speed: "&b(player) &7has given everyone a minute of &aSpeed Boost&7!"
Smite: "&b(player) &7has struck you with lightning!"
Bounce: "&b(player) &7made you bounce! &i&dWeeeeee"
Changed-Time: "&b(player) &7has changed the &e(timeType) &7time to &e(newTime) &7seconds!"

No-Permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command."
Already-In-A-Game: "&cYou are already in a game!"

Head: ""
Sub: "&7(seconds)"

Head: ""
Sub: "&a&n(seconds)"

Head: ""
Sub: "&a&lGO!"

Head: "&c&lYOU DIED"
Sub: "&7You are now a spectator!"

Head: ""
Sub: "&e&l(winner) &ahas won the game!"

Cooldown: "&e(kit) (kitCooldownBar)"

Waiting: "&aWaiting..."
Starting: "&6Starting..."
Pre-Game: "&c&lIn-Game"
In-Game: "&c&lIn-Game"
Game-Over: "&cRestarting..."

This documentation is used for developers who want to hook into the minigame!

All these methods are located in a class called API. The import is "sv.file14.proskywars.api.API".

isInGame(Player player)
• Returns a boolean if a player is in a game or not.

hasParty(Player player)
• Returns a boolean if a player has a party or not.

hasTeam(Player player)
• Returns a boolean if a player has a party or not.

cancelGame(Player player, String... args)
• Returns a boolean if the game the player was in was successfully canceled.

getGamesPlayed(Player player)
• Returns an int of games played by the player.

getWins(Player player)
• Returns an int of wins by the player.

getKills(Player player)
• Returns an int of kills by the player.

getDeaths(Player player)
• Returns an int of deaths by the player.

setGamesPlayed(Player player, int gamesPlayed)
• Returns a boolean if the stats was successfully set.

setWins(Player player, int wins)
• Returns a boolean if the stats was successfully set.

setKills(Player player, int kills)
• Returns a boolean if the stats was successfully set.

setDeaths(Player player, int deaths)
• Returns a boolean if the stats was successfully set.

By purchasing this plugin or downloading new versions you accept the following terms of use:

➤ You are aware of that ProSkyWars is meant to run ONLY on Spigot servers.
No refunds! All purchases are final!
➤ You are NOT allowed to redistribute this plugin!
➤ Use it only for YOUR server/network!
➤ You are NOT allowed to LEAK this plugin on any website!
➤ You are NOT allowed to share this plugin with somebody else!
➤ You cannot claim the code of the plugin belongs to you!
➤ The price may change at any time without notice.
➤ You are responsible for what happens to the plugin after downloading. Accidental distribution or leaking will not be used as an excuse. You are responsible for the security of the plugin.

About to post a review? Please do NOT post any issues as a review! If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, just PM me or use the discussion page! You can also contact me through Discord.
First release
Last update
4.20 star(s) 5 ratings

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Update Pls!
Please update.
ProSkyWars has been disabled due to an error! Please contact File14 at SpigotMC!
Good leak however should be in the donor section as per blacklist.
Nice Work