Pro SkyWars [Solo, Teams, Kits, Cages, Trails,Perks, MysteryBox, Hologram, Refills]

NULLED Pro SkyWars [Solo, Teams, Kits, Cages, Trails,Perks, MysteryBox, Hologram, Refills] v5.6

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11

Professional minigame for your server! Create unlimited arenas, loot chests for equipments, fight to be the last man standing!
Support for any size Teams and solo game.

*** For support use FreshDesk I won't read Discussion, PM's and profile messages with bugs, questions or new features request.

  • Totally independent, can run absolutely by itself.
  • Arenas have support for Solo or Teams mode. Teams can have any number you want of players. You can create Mega mode games with big teams.
  • Almost 100% configurable, customize your messages, arenas, kits, cages and chests.
  • Create unlimited arenas.
  • Can work with other minigames and plugins.
  • Support for multiple arenas per world.
  • Fireworks ending.
  • Kits, Cages shop, you can use MysteryBox to get rewards or use money to buy stuff.
  • Become spectator on death and teleport to other players.
  • Support for BungeeMode to force players to join game.
  • Support for MySQL to share player stats between servers.
  • Built in coins and souls system, you can use vault too.
  • Create your custom chests types and make specific chests use that type (you can set a type for game start and a different type for refill to give better items on refill)
  • Lightweight rollback system.
  • Can be used as survivalgames plugin or custom pvp plugin.
  • Coins multipliers for VIP users.
  • Create your own kits or cages and specify they rarity, cost, name, content and whether they require a permission or not.
  • Scoreboards for lobby and In-Game.
  • Support for UUID.
  • Players stats: wins. kills, deaths, blocks breaked, blockes places, projectiles launched and projectiles hit.
  • AutoJoin command and sign that will put you on the best available arena. You can set autojoin sign for solo or team game.
  • Signs showing arena state and player count. (Customizable)
  • MysteryBox, using souls or coins to unlock your kits or cages.
  • Hitting a player with an arrow will show that player health.
  • Mobs for arenas that will only attack your enemies.
  • Run rewards commands on player kill or win.
  • Built in broadcaster, so you can display your tips and tricks or advertise your website.
  • You can set as much refills as you want.
  • Customizable projectile trails and trails shop.
  • Create Holograms for stats and update them every x amount of minutes.
  • Sign leaderboards, display top players depending on the stat you choose, can also place a head over the sign to display player skull.
  • Support for PlaceHolderAPI so you can show Pro Skywars stats on any compatible plugin.
  • in game commands whitelist.
  • Create parties and play with your friends.
  • Glass behing join sign changes color depending on game state.
  • 12 Perks to give your game an awesome boost! (check perks list on Setup section)
  • Force your players to fight adding GameEnd events! (check setup section for more info)
  • Support for MongoDB to share data between servers.
  • Support for Redis in-memory data structure store, used as a database. Fast data share between servers.
  • Random arena bungee mode. You can have more than one arena on your bungee mode server and each match will have a different arena.

  • Teams ✓ DONE
  • Parties ✓ DONE
  • Holograms ✓ DONE
  • Perks ✓ DONE
  • LeaderBoards ✓ DONE
  • Trails ✓ DONE
  • Achievements
  • API ✓ DONE
  • MongoDB Support ✓ DONE
  • Redis Support ✓ DONE

Arena Setup Commands:

  • /arena wand - Gives you wand tool to select corners of your arena.
  • /arena create <arenaname> - Create new arena.
  • /arena edit <arenaname> - Edit cuboid region for an arena.
  • /arena remove <arenaname> - Remove an arena
  • /arena setlobbyspawn <arenaname> - Sets arena lobby (pregame) spawn
  • /arena setspectatorsspawn <arenaname> - Sets place where spectators will spawn on death.
  • /arena setmainlobby <arenaname> - Sets the lobby where players will be teleported on game end/leave.
  • /arena setminteams <arenaname> <value> - Sets minimun required teams for game to start.
  • /arena setmaxteams <arenaname> <value> - Sets max number of players for an arena.
  • /arena setteamsize <arenaname> <value> - Sets the numberof players for each team.
  • /arena addspawn <arenaname> - Adds spawn point for an arena.
  • /arena addchest <arenaname> <defaultChestType> <refillChestType> - Adds chest you are looking to an arena and sets the default fill and the refill chest types (Use chesttypes.yml)
  • /arena chestwand <arenaname> <defaultFillChestType> <RefillChestType> - Will give you a blazing rod that you can use to add chests to your arena.
  • /arena removechest <arenaname> - Removes the chest you are looking from arena.
  • /arena setevent <eventName> <arenaname> - Sets Game end event for an arena.
  • /arena removeevent <arenaName> - Removes all events from an arena.
  • /arena join <arenaname> - Join an arena.
  • /arena leave - Leaves arena.
  • /arena list - Display a list of arenas.
  • /arena forcestart <arenaname> - Reduce the countdown time and force gamestart.
Pro SkyWars Commands:

  • /sw join <arenaname> - Joins an arena.
  • /sw join - Opens arena selector for players with required permission.
  • /sw autojoin - Autojoin to best available arena.
  • /sw shop - Displays Skywars shop.
  • /sw coins add/set/remove <player> <amount> - Add. set or remove an amount of coins from player.
  • /sw souls add/set/remove <player> <amount> - Add, set or remove an amount of souls from player.
  • /sw kits/trails/cages/perks add <player> <name> - Unlock a kit, cage, trail or perk for a player.
  • /sw addmysterybox - Adds a new mystery box. (You need to be above the block and looking at it.)
  • /sw hologram add/remove - Set or remove stats holograms location.
  • /sw removemysterybox - Removes existing myster box. (You need to be above the block and looking at it.)
  • /sw leave - leave and arena.
  • /sw reload - Reloads plugin configuration.
Party Commands:

  • /party create <partyname> - Creates a new party
  • /party invite <player> - Send a invitation to your party
  • /party join <partyname> - Join to a party (requires invitation)
  • /party kick <player> - Kick a player from your party.
  • /party list - Check the players on your party.
Kit Creation Commands:

  • /sw kit create <kitname> - Creates a new kit on kits.yml with current player inventory contents (armor and items) including enchantments.
  • /sw kit setdisplayitem <kitname> <material>[:ID] - Set the display item for a kit.
  • /sw kit setpermission <kitname> <permission> - Set the permission for kit usage.
  • /sw kit setprice <kitname> <value> - Set price for a kit (this feature will work only if you enable money use for kits on config.yml)
  • /sw kit setrarity <kitname> <common/rare/legendary> - Sets kit mysterybox rarity.
  • /sw kit addloreline <kitname> <text> - Set a new lore line for a kit.
  • /sw kit lorereset <kitname> - Deletes lore for a kit.
  • /sw kit save <kitname> - Reset inventory GUI's to show new kit.

  • proskywars.admin - Access to all commands
  • proskywars.arena - Access to arena setup commands
  • proskywars.signs - Allow player to place SkyWars arenas signs.
  • proskywars.autojoin - Access to autojoin command.
  • proskywars.mysteryboxadd - Allow player to add a block as mystery box.
  • proskywars.mysteryboxremove - Allow player to remove existing mystery box.
  • proskywars.holograms - Allow player to set the stats hologram location.
  • proskywars.bypass - Allow you to bypass the commands whitelist.
  • proskywars.coins - Allow player to run commands to modify coins.
  • proskywars.souls - Allow player to run commands to modify souls.
  • - Access to shop command.
  • proskywars.join - Access to join command.
  • proskywars.joingui - Access to arena selector using command.
  • proskywars.kitcreate - Allow player to use commands to create new kits.
  • proskywars.5x - Coins 5x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proskywars.4x - Coins 4x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proskywars.3x - Coins 3x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proskywars.2x - Coins 2x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proskywars.souls1 - Set max amount of souls to config.yml option Souls.vip1Souls.
  • proskywars.souls2 - Set max amount of souls to config.yml option Souls.vip2Souls.


Check configuration files on GitHub Wiki:


  1. Drag ProSkyWars.jar to your plugins folder.
  2. Start your server.
  3. Run command /arena wand
  4. Use wand to select a cuboid area for your arena.
  5. Create an arena with /arena create <arenaname>
  6. Set lobbyspawn with /arena setlobbyspawn <arenaname>
  7. Set sepectators spawn with / arena setspectatorsspawn <arenaname>
  8. Set main lobby with /arena setmainlobby <arenaname>
  9. Set minimum players for arena with /arena setminteams <arenaname> <value>
  10. Set maximum players for arena with /arena setmaxteams <arenaname> <value>
  11. Set team size for an arena with /arena setteamsize <arenaname> <value> (For solo game set to 1)
  12. Add players spawn points with /arena addspawn <arenaname>
  13. Add chests to an arena with /arena addchest <arenaname> <defaultChestType> <refillChestType> while standing in front of chests. (Reefer to ChestTypes.yml to know more about ChestTypes).
  14. Place arena sign with the following format:

  15. Enjoy!

  1. Drag ProSkyWars.jar to your plugins folder.
  2. Start your server.
  3. Run command /arena wand
  4. Use wand to select a cuboid area for your arena.
  5. Create an arena with /arena create <arenaname>
  6. Set lobbyspawn with /arena setlobbyspawn <arenaname>
  7. Set sepectators spawn with / arena setspectatorsspawn <arenaname>
  8. Set minimum players for arena with /arena setminteams <arenaname> <value>
  9. Set maximum players for arena with /arena setmaxteams <arenaname> <value>
  10. Set team size for an arena with /arena setteamsize <arenaname> <value> (For solo game set to 1)
  11. Add players spawn points with /arena addspawn <arenaname>
  12. Add chests to an arena with /arena addchest <arenaname> <defaultChestType> <refillChestType> while standing in front of chests. (Reefer to ChestTypes.yml to know more about ChestTypes).
  13. Set bungee-mode enabled on config.yml
  14. Restart server.
  15. Enjoy!

Arena Signs Structure:

Autojoin sign:

Solo arena autojoin sign:

Team arena autojoin sign:

Leaderboard Sign:


*Place a head over sign for player head.
Possible stats: kills, wins, deaths, money, souls, projectiles_l, projectiles_h, blocks_b, blocks_p
  1. Set in config.yml the MysteryBox material.
  2. Stand above and look the block you want to set as MysteryBox and run command /sw addmysterybox.
  3. Enjoy!
  • Common
  • Rare
  • Legendary
  • %proskywars_kills%
  • %proskywars_deaths%
  • %proskywars_wins%
  • %proskywars_money%
  • %proskywars_souls%
  • %proskywars_projectilesLaunched%
  • %proskywars_projectilesHit%
  • %proskywars_blocksBreaked%
  • %proskywars_blocksPlaced%
  • %proskywars_kit%
  • %proskywars_cage%
  • %proskywars_trail%
  • %proskywars_time%
List of Perks:

  • Arrow Recovery - 15% Chance of getting back your arrow on bow hit.
  • Blazing Arrow - 5% Chance of shooting a fire arrow with your bow.
  • Bulldozer - Enemy kills gives you Strength I for 3 seconds.
  • Instant Smelting - Automatically smelt mined ores into ingots.
  • Juggernaut - Enemy kills gives you Regen I for 4 seconds.
  • Mining Expertise - 10% chance of getting one extra ore per block mined.
  • Resistance Boost - Gain 10 seconds of Resistance I when the game starts.
  • Speed Boost - Gain 10 seconds of Haste I when the game starts.
  • Nourishment - Every kill gives you full hunger and saturation.
  • Revenge - 5% chance to spawn a zombie when you die.
  • Fat - Gain 4 seconds of Absorption I when the game starts.
  • Triple Shot - 5% chance of shooting 3 arrows from a bow.

World Border Shrink:
  • After finishing your arena setup you need to run command /arena setevent worldborder <arenaName> <radiusofborder>
    While standing on middle of your arena.
*This event requires per world arena.

TNT Rain Event:

  • After finishing your arena setup run command /arena setevent tntrain <arenaName>

Code (Text):
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;

import com.mineorigin.minigame.API.GameEndEvent;
import com.mineorigin.minigame.API.api;

public class Example extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {

private api skywarsAPI;

public void onEnable() {


public void sendMessage(Player p) {
int kills = skywarsAPI.getKills(p);
int deaths = skywarsAPI.getDeaths(p);
int wins = skywarsAPI.getWins(p);
int coins = skywarsAPI.getCoins(p);
int souls = skywarsAPI.getSouls(p);
int blocksbreaked = skywarsAPI.getBlocksBreaked(p);
int blocksplaced = skywarsAPI.getBlocksBreaked(p);
int projectileslaunched = skywarsAPI.getProjectilesLaunched(p);
int projectilehit = skywarsAPI.getProjectilesHit(p);

p.sendMessage("Kills: " + kills + "Deaths: " + deaths + " Wins: "
+ wins + " Coins: " + coins + " Souls: " + souls + " BlocksBreaked: "
+ blocksbreaked + " BlocksPlaced: " + blocksplaced + " ProjectilesLaunched: "
+ projectileslaunched + " ProjectilesHit: " + projectilehit);

public void onGameEnd(GameEndEvent e) {
for (String winners : e.getWinners()) {
Player p = Bukkit.getPlayer(winners);
p.sendMessage("You have won!");
e.arenaBroadcast("Player " + p.getName() + " has won on arena " + e.getArena().getName());



By purchasing this resource you agree to the following terms of service:
  • You know all features, limitations and requirements.
  • No refunds will be granted.
  • You will not chargeback, dispute or reverse any payments.
  • This plugin only can be used in your server or network.
  • I reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.
  • Don't reditribute this plugin.
  • Don't deobfuscate.
  • Don't post bad reviews, first ask me!
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4.33 star(s) 3 ratings

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