PremiumStaff | DISCORD, 2FA SUPPORT.

PremiumStaff | DISCORD, 2FA SUPPORT. 1.2.3

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Contributors:wstrange(GoogleAuth), SpigotJDA(Shaded DiscordJDA)Languages Supported:English

Special People:
@Esperita was the first person that bought PremiumStaff.
@Mudgey was the second person that bought PremiumStaff.
@_MelaIta was the third person that bought PremiumStaff.
@SpeedySapphire was the fourth person that bought PremiumStaff.
@Fromagerie was the fifth person that bought PremiumStaff.

PremiumStaff is mainly made for 1.8. But everything should work fine from 1.7.10 and above.

PremiumStaff was first created under request. The request was very simple, but I let the imagination flow, so you are able to do so much more, make sure to read through the whole page, Discord, 2FA support and so much more.

We provide support for the best of our ability. Our Support & Developer team are here to help the moment you need assistance. We have a Discord Support chat which is shared with another developer and
his resources, which means if they notice a fix but our team doesn't, they will also be able to help you out.
Our Discord Server powered by Customers, Developers & Moderators, which means support should be efficient and powerful! If you'd prefer, however, you can DM our support team on here and we will still provide the support to the best of our ability.

You can configure ~98% of the whole plugin.

Download Vouchs BungeeCord Util by clicking here.
Download SpigotJDA (Shaded DiscordJDA) by clicking here.

- Build mode
- Clear chat

- Mute chat
- Click per the second tester
- Freeze
- Inventory inspector
- Staff chat
- Staff mode
- Vanish
- Command Spy
- Troll around with your players.
- Anti Advertisement
- Anti Caps

- 2FA (Google Authenticator)
- Discord (SpigotJDA)
- Maintenance

Spoiler: How do I install Vouchs BungeeCord Util?
You simply download the jar by clicking here. When you have the jar downloaded, drag and drop the jar into your /plugins/ folder on your BungeeCord server. Then, restart your BungeeCord server, and you should be good to go.
How do I install SpigotJDA to initialize Discord Support?

By initialize Discord, you first have to download SpigotJDA. Which you can find here.
When you have the jar downloaded, drag and drop the jar into the same server as PremiumStaff. Restart your server, let the configurations load.

Now, you have to create the bot user itself. Follow those steps, and you will be there within a couple of minutes!

1. Head over to the applications page.

2. Click "New Application". Give it a name, Picture, and description
3. Click "Create Bot User" and click "Yes, do it!" when the dialog pops up.
4. Copy down the token. This is what is used to login to your bot!
Handy explanation gif:

When created, please enter this website.
"Client ID", Place the bot's Client ID there.
Then click here:


➤ PremiumStaff.Trolls.FakeCrash ➜ /fakeCrash (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Trolls.Launch ➜ /launch (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Trolls.Swap ➜ /swap (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.BuildMode ➜ /buildMode (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.ClearChat ➜ /clearChat (-n, -s, -a)
➤ PremiumStaff.ClicksPerSecond ➜ /clicksPerSecond (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Freeze ➜ /freeze (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Inspector ➜ /inspector (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.MuteChat ➜ /muteChat
➤ PremiumStaff.StaffChat ➜ /staffChat or ! in front of your message
➤ PremiumStaff.StaffMode ➜ /staffMode (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Vanish ➜ /vanish (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Maintenance➜ /maintenance [arg] (user)
➤ PremiumStaff.Report➜ /report [player] (reason)


➤ PremiumStaff.Bypass.AntiAD ➜ Can write links.
➤ PremiumStaff.Watch.AntIAD ➜ Get warned when someone advertises

➤ ➜ Can write links.
➤ PremiumStaff.Bypass.CommandSpy ➜ Don't get logged.
➤ PremiumStaff.Watch.CommanySpy➜ Get notified when someone executes a command.
➤ PremiumStaff.Bypass.MutedChat➜ Can write when chat is muted.

➤ PremiumStaff.StaffChat ➜ Use StaffChat.
➤ PremiumStaff.Require.Authentication ➜ Required to have 2FA.

➤ PremiumStaff.Watch ➜ Use Watch staff tool.
➤ PremiumStaff.Invsee ➜ Use Invsee staff tool.
➤ PremiumStaff.Freeze ➜ Use Freeze staff tool.
➤ PremiumStaff.Vanish ➜ Use Vanish staff tool.
➤ PremiumStaff.RandomTP ➜ Use Random TP staff tool.
➤ PremiumStaff.Push ➜ Use Push Staff tool.
➤ PremiumStaff.OptionsMenu ➜ Use OptionsMenu.

What is Maintenance?
Maintenance is a mode you can toggle on and off. If it's enabled players that aren't on the maintenance's list join the server. You can manage this via commands.

What do I mean by Discord Support?
Discord Support is an easier way to log, and report stuff.
Nearly all servers own a Discord Server, in this way we can easily send Discord a message when someone gets reported et.c, in this way we are able to manage a report faster, so. You can listen to music, and do something else, but then you get a notification at Discord "Player has been reported" and you can log in, and follow this player, and perhaps punish him.

What is 2FA (Authentication)?
2FA is a way to secure players Minecraft accounts.
If you have the permission that is required for 2FA, you will have to download "Google Authentication" on your smartphone, and every 10 seconds, a new code will be generated. This is great, because, we say a scenario, your account gets hacked, you still won't be able to log in to your Server and start griefing. You need that six-digit code that re-generates each 10 second.

Spoiler: How does Google Authentication look like?

All configs are located in my webspace.
Find them by clicking here.


Code (Text):
Enabled: true
String: '&8[&4Premium Staff&8] &6» &3'
InsufficientRank: '&4Access denied.'
Only-Players-Execute: '&cOppps. Only players can execute this command.'
Only-Console-Execute: '&cOppps. Only console can execute this command.'
Enter: '&aYou have entered staff mode!'
Leave: '&cYou have leaved staff mode!'
Offline: '&cThe target &4%target% &cseems to be offline.'
Error-Its-You: '&cYou can not toggle on staff mode to your self.'
Enabled: '&aYou have enabled staff mode for %player%.'
Disabled: '&cYou have disabled staff mode for %player%.'
Enabled: '&aEnabled Staff Mode.'
Disabled: '&cDisabled Staff Mode.'
Time: 60
In-Cooldown: '&cYou have to wait before use report again. Time left: %time%.'
Usage: '&cCorrect usage: /report [player] [reason]'
Error-Its-You: '&cYou can not report your self.'
Reported: '&aYou have reported &7&o%reported%&r&a for &7&o%reason%&r&a.'
- '&c&lNew Report - %date%'
- ''
- '&aReporter: &7&o%reporter%.'
- '&cReported: &7&o%reported%.'
- ''
- '&aReason: &7&o%reason%.'
Enter: '&aYou have entered build mode!'
Leave: '&cYou have leaved build mode!'
Not-Staff: '&cYou are not staff, can not enable build mode.'
Offline: '&cThe target &4%target% &cseems to be offline.'
Target-Not-Staff: '&c%player% is not build mode, can not enable build mode.'
Error-Its-You: '&cYou can not toggle on build mode to your self.'
Enabled: '&aYou have enabled build mode for %player%.'
Disabled: '&cYou have disabled build mode for %player%.'
Enabled: '&aEnabled build Mode.'
Disabled: '&cDisabled build Mode.'
Testing-Second: 15
Usage: '&cCorrect usage: /cps <user>'
Started: '&aYou have started &7&oClicks Per Second &r&atest for &7&o%player%&r&a.'
Finished: '&7&o%player% &r&afinished &7&oClicks Per Second &r&a test with &7&o%cps% &r&aCPS.'
Already-Testing: '&cThat user is already being CPS tested.'
Offline: '&cThe target &4%target% seems to be offline.'
Started: '&7&oClicks Per Second &r&atest have started.'
Finished: '&7&oClicks Per Second &r&a Finished.'
Enter: '&aYou have entered vanish mode!'
Leave: '&cYou have leaved vanish mode!'
Offline: '&cThe target &4%target% &cseems to be offline.'
Error-Its-You: '&cYou can not toggle on vanish to your self.'
Enabled: '&aYou have enabled vanish mode for %player%.'
Disabled: '&cYou have disabled vanish mode for %player%.'
Enabled: '&aEnabled Vanish Mode.'
Disabled: '&cDisabled Vanish Mode.'
Usage: '&cCorrect usage: /freeze <user>'
Offline: '&cThe target &4%target% &cseems to be offline.'
Error-Its-You: '&cYou can not freeze your self.'
Enabled: '&cYou freezed %player%.'
Disabled: '&aYou unfreezed %player%.'
Enabled: '&cYou have been frozen!'
Disabled: '&aYou have been unfrozen!.'
Usage: '&cCorrect usage: /clearChat -s (silent) -a (anonymous) -n (normal)'
Message: '&c%player% &7has cleared the global chat.'
Message: 'You have cleared the chat silent.'
Message: '&cSome player cleared the chat.'
Usage: '&cCorrect usage: /inspector <user>'
Offline: '&cThe target &4%target% &cseems to be offline.'
Error-Its-You: '&cYou can not inspect your self.'
Opened: '&aInspecting %player%.'
Entered: '&aYou are now talking in staff chat.'
Disabled: '&cYou are now talking in public.'
Enabled: '&cYou muted global chat.'
Disabled: '&aYou unmuted global chat.'
Format: '&8[&4STAFFCHAT&8] &c&o%player%&7: &f%message%'
Teleported: '&aYou have been teleported to %player%!'
Can-Not-Teleport: '&cA error occurred whiles teleporting, try again later..'
Chat-Muted: '&cYou may not chat now. The chat is muted.'
Staff: '&c%player% tried to advertise with: &7&o%message%&c!'
Cancel: '&cPlease, do not advertise here.'
Staff: '&7&o%player% &cexecuted &7&o%command%&c.'

> You are not allowed to publish downloaded content of PremiumStaff.
> You are not allowed to (re)sell the downloaded content of PremiumStaff.
> You are not allowed to decompile.
> No stupid reviews, such as (Its missing features! or the developer isn't adding features I request) Because the features are on the main page! and you knew them before purchasing, so no complaining!
> You are not allowed to chargeback money or get a refund once you have bought a PremiumStaff license.
> You are allowed to post YAML files (.yml) which are generated by PremiumStaff
> With a granted license, Are you allowed to get unlimited support in our Discord Server!

2016 - 2017 by Vouchs.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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