HeadHunter RPG System

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Always wanted to add to your server a mob level based system?

Then this is your lucky day, HeadHunter creates an amazing rpg experience where you must kill mobs, sell their heads, wear their powerful masks and become the HeadHunter Master!

  • RPG mob based system
  • Fancy sell GUI
  • Mob Masks with a lot of possible effects
  • Multiple sell systems: GUI, Sign, Right click
  • Spawner shop
  • EnderPearl Cooldown System
  • Fast skull render system
  • Ability to make blocks open the sell menu
  • Friendly interactable command system with JSON's
  • Fully customizable.
  • Execute custom commands on level up
  • SilkSpawner and EpicSpawner support
  • PlaceholderAPI & MVdWPlaceholderAPI
  • LeaderHeads support
  • MassiveFactions & FactionUUID support
  • WorldGuard support
  • No compatible with 1.7.x Servers

The main objective is start killing the level 1 mobs, sell their heads to get XP and money; and then level up.

Each level is a new mob type, so you'll unlock new mobs as you level up. With the default config of the plugin, you can't kill mobs, place or break spawners that are not unlocked (configurable, but recommended to leave this way).

Each head worths "x" amount of money and XP. When you sell one head you get the full amount of money and XP that this head worths. The XP is used to level up. When you type /headhunter rankup you need to have a specific amount of XP and money. The amount of money and xp needed can be modified in the Ranks.yml file.

You can also kill players and sell their heads, depending of how you have the plugin configured, when you sell one head of a player you can steal a percent of the balance of the (player) that the head belongs. If you don't want this you can set a default value for the player head.

You can access the main GUI by typing /headhunter or /hh. Then a GUI like this one will pop up.

You can sell heads in this GUI by clicking the items.

if you want to sell multiple heads of different types, you can create signs for that!

You only need to set the first line of the sign to: "sell-heads" and click 'done'. The plugin will automatically transform the sign to the sign template.

If you right click it, you'll open the sell heads GUI:

PD: You won't be able to sell heads that are not unlocked.

Mob Masks:

Each mob has 5 masks fully configurable through the file: Masks.yml
To access the masks menu, you have to use /hh and then right click on the mob.

Each mask item has a description of what it gives to the player and the cost of it. Building a mask can charge you with sold skulls but can also charge previous masks.

For example:

This mob mask only charges you 8064 witch heads

And this one, charges you 13824 witch heads and 1x Witch I Mask.

Here you have an explanation of all possible mask effects.


Spawner sign shops:

You can create or modify the rank ladder in the file Ranks.yml. Inside of the file you'll find a full tutorial of how the ladder works, so you can modify it as you like without breaking anything.

"Cauldron block" like Saico's server

You can create 'custom blocks' to open the main player menu when the players click on them.

You only have to use /hh block create and look at the block. Same steps to delete it but with /hh block remove

But you also can set one block to open the gui without using the command.
Code (Text):

Level on the xp bar.

You can display the level or the XP in the minecraft experience bar, but remember that this feature disable the whole minecraft experience, this is only for servers that have it configured this way.

Level: 2

Level: 3

Multiple plugin support

You can also put statistics of this plugin in any plugin that has placeholderAPI or MVdWPlaceholderAPI
support. Example of one external scoreboard plugin with my placeholders:

This plugin also has LeaderHeads support so you can create npcs, holograms, skulls showing a leaderboard of multiple statistics, for example: level, xp, mob skulls sold and player skulls sold.

Spoiler: Variables
Spoiler: Pictures

The placeholders available are:
If you're using PlaceHolderAPI, the placeholders will be surrounded with %placeholder% but if you're using MVdWPlaceholderAPI you have to use {placeholder}
  • HeadHunter_Level
  • HeadHunter_XP
  • HeadHunter_PlayerSkulls
  • HeadHunter_MobHead_{EntityType}
Full tutorial here: https://hastebin.com/zeqahogupa.erl

<red>=Needed || <green> Optional
  • Vault
  • Helix https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/helix.58373/
  • SilkSpawners
  • EpicSpawners
  • PlaceHolderAPI: Use this if you want to add statistics of this plugin into any plugin that hooks into placeholderAPI (like scoreboards, etc).
  • LeaderHeads: Use this for create leaderboards with NPC's, signs, holograms or banners.
First release
Last update
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