Fiona AntiCheat - Better than anything else. [Detects AimAssist, Reach, Killaura, and more]

NULLED Fiona AntiCheat - Better than anything else. [Detects AimAssist, Reach, Killaura, and more] 2.7.1

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Changes in v2.0-DEV~3 HOTFIX:
- Added Killaura (Aim) EXPERIMENTAL
- Fixed minor Gravity bug with fly mode and slimes.
- Fixed GroundSpoof bugs by removing it from async functionality.
- Fixed minor Scaffold (Diff) bug caused by placing the block horizontally at eye level.
- Fine tuned the leniencies for Speed (Limit) for better detection.
- Fixed minor Fly (Ladder) bug with fly mode.
- Recoded Fly (FallSpeed).
- Removed some more useless utilities.
- Added some more configuration for checks.
- Fixed bug where certain checks couldn't be disabled.
- Fixed other small bugs.

Changes in v2.0-DEV~3 HOTFIX Gold:
- Fixed bug in AimAssist check caused by latency.

Developer Note(s): This is the last dev version before the full update. I would like detailed bug reports so I can fix everything by then. The following period will be me testing and fixing bugs reported.
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Changes in v1.3:
- Added Fly Fall Speed check (Patches Glides).
- Fixed Jesus check.
- Fixed potential Jesus false flags.
- Added Jesus checking for lava.
- Removed some annoying stuff in AimPattern.
- Added ImpossiblePitch check.
- Fixed Speed hit glitch.
- Patched TPAura.
- Patched some NoFalls.
- Added Inventory Move check inside of NoSlowdown check (doesn't false flag, just has issues with flagging sometime).
- Fixed Speed Type A false flags in liquids.
- Fixed Speed Type A false flags on stairs/carpets.
- Cleaned up some code.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
Changes in v1.2.8:
- Fixed issues with obfuscation that virtually broke the plugin.
- Fixed Fly false flags.
- Fixed errors.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
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Changes in v1.2.7:
- Added Criticals check.
- Fixed up Regen check, and made it cancel illegitimate regeneration.
- Fixed Reach check up a bit.
- Changed some defaults.
- Removed FlyB.
- Changed FlyA to Fly.
- You can now flag for flying up against walls.
- Fixed up Killaura Hitboxes (Report any false flags to funkemunky).
- Brainfart fix for AimPattern.
- Fixed some security issues.
- Fixed other minor bugs.