FactionWars [UPDATED] [CTF] [KOTH] [TDM] [BLITZ]


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Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

This is an addon to the Factions plugin. It provides an advanced war system - a system that allows factions to team deathmatch each other and really find out who's the best! It includes rewards, statistics with leaderboards, titles, kits, holograms, advanced menus and more!
There are currently 5 gamemode types:
  • Blitz: each player starts with a configurable amount of lives. Each time they die they lose one, once they reach 0 they're out of the game. Last team with players alive wins.
  • Capture the flag: each team has flags around the map. The other team has to take them (get near a certain range) and take them back to their base. If a player dies he loses all flags he's carring. First to conquer all the other team's flags wins.
  • King of the hill: there are multiple locations for the hill. The hill is marked with a beacon. It starts off as "Unclaimed". First player to get near it starts "Conquering" it for his team. If at any certain point of the conquer there are no players from that team nearby the conquer stops. After it's conquered it begins to give x points per second to the "king" team, regardless of whether they are nearby or not. If players from the other team get nearby, they start contesting the hill. If they succeed, the hill switches place and is set to "Unclaimed" again. This one is my personal favorite.
  • Team deathmatch: self-explanatory. After set amount of time team with most kills wins.
  • Halo: this gamemode is inspired by the games HALO, and is similar to ctf. Each team has 1 flag only, and they have to capture the other team's flag a set amount of times to win. Only one player from each team can take a flag at a time and you may only conquer the flag if your own flag has not been taken.
Gamemodes are defined in the gamemodes.yml file. To add gamemodes, go on gamemodes.yml, copy one of the presets (blitz, capture the flag, king of the hill, team deathmatch or halo) and edit the settings. Each map now can only have one gamemode. To setup a map type /fw setupmap <map id> and follow the instructions.

What jars to use, configs and commands

Gamemode - King of the Hill

  • War system
  • GUI menu to choose players taking part in the war
  • All messages configurable
  • Stats
  • Sub command built into faction's /f command

Contact me if you'd like another plugin supported!

Main command: /f war (/war in kingdoms)

Admin command: /fw

  1. Type /fw addmap <Arena name> arena name may have spaces. Example: /fw addmap Awesome arena by PhilipsNostrum
  2. The map's ID will be displayed in chat. Now choose the starting position for faction 1 and type /fw setspawn <arena id> l1. Example: if my map had id 1 I'd do /fw setspawn 1 l1
  3. Choose position for faction 2 and type /fw setspawn <arena id> l2
  4. Make sure to claim the arena as WarZone /f claim a warzone

Note: It is possible to disable kits altogether. To see how, click the spoiler below.

The plugin comes with 5 default kits: Chemist, Tank, Swordsman, Archer and Ninja

The kit selector

To add a kit:
  1. Type /fw addkit <kit name> kit name may contain spaces. Example: /fw addkit Tank
  2. Kit ID will be displayed in chat. Now equip yourself with all the items, armor and potion effects you want the kit to have. Once you're ready type /fw setkit <kit id>. Example: if my kit ID was 1 /fw setkit 1 would set the contents of kit Tank to my inventory
  3. Select an item to represent the kit in the Kit Selector (see screenshot above) and, while having the item on your hand, type /fw setKitItem <kit id>. Can have lores. Example: if I had a flower in my hand doing /fw setKitItem 1 would make tank be represented by a flower on the Kit Selector
  4. If you want it to have a price type /fw setprice <kit id> <price>
To edit a kit:
  1. Type /fw editkit <kit id> you will be given that kit's inventory. Edit to your liking
  2. After doing your changes do /fw setkit <kit id>

Code (Text):
#set to false to make players use their own items
use-kits: true
#if use-kits: false, this dictates whether players drop their items on death or keep them
drop-loot-if-not-kits: true
#commands run when a war is won. %player% will be replaced with the player's name (runs once for each player) %winner% replaces with winner faction and %looser% with the name of the defeated faction
- msg %player% congratulations, here are 20 coins (VAULT PLUGIN REQUIRED)!
#money given to players as reward (requires Vault plugin)
money: 20.0
#faction power given as a reward to each winner
power: 0.5
#enable hologram with info about player's own faction
enabled: true
#placeholders: %faction%-faction name; %rank% %wins%, %losses%, %kills% %deaths% - faction's stats
- '&5&lFactionWars Stats&9 - &e%faction%'
- '&aWins&9/&cLosses&9: &6%wins%&9/&c%losses%'
- '&aKills&9/&cDeaths&9: &6%kills%&9/&c%deaths%'
#info regarding the item displayed on top of the hologram
id: 276
damage: 0
#seconds before switching from faction hologram to top hologram and vice versa
switchTime: 30
#enable hologram with list of best factions
enabled: true
#line below the list
footer: ''
#format for each individual line. placeholders: %faction%-faction name; %rank% %wins%, %losses%, %kills% %deaths% - faction's stats
line: '&b#%rank% &a%faction% &e%wins% Wins'
#line above the list
header: '&eFactionWars &aTOP &6#5 &aFactions'
#number of factions to display
number-of-factions: 5
#mysql connection details. ignore if you have stats.use-mysql: false
password: ''
database: minecraft
port: '3306'
username: root
hostname: localhost
- msg
- tell
- m
- me
#will disable all commands during war except those declared under "exceptions" (without /)
enabled: true
#sqlite/mysql table to use
table: factionWars
#false - use sqlite. true - use mysql
use-mysql: false
#seconds since invite was sent until it expires
invite-expire-time: 120
#settings regarding the selection gui
#there has to be equal number of players on both factions (inviter can choose max num of players on faction being invited and player accepting has to choose exactly as many players as the inviter)
equal-number: true
#minimum number of players on each faction
minimum-per-faction: 3
#enable an anvil menu to input player names directly
anvilgui-enabled: true
#maximum number of players per faction. set to -1 for infinite players
maximum-per-faction: -1
#whether or not to enable fireworks on game end
enabled: true
#amount of fireworks every 1/4 of second
amount-per-five-ticks: 3
#enable damaging players when game is tied
enable: true
#damage per second (2.0 = 1 heart)
per-second: 1.0
#seconds game lasts (300 = 5 minutes)
timer: 300
#commands listed below will be executed when a game ends. placeholders: %winner% and %looser%
- say %winner% won the WAR against %looser%!
#time to wait before teleporting (seconds)
time-before-teleport: 10
#warmup time (seconds)
wait-time: 20
#invincibility period. set to 0 to disable (seconds)
invincible-tag: 10
#whether or not factions' officers/mods can also invite/accept/decline wars
faction-mods-can-start: false
#these commands will be run when the game starts for each player. placeholders: %player%
- fly %player% off
#exactly the same as rewards, with the difference that money and powers values are taken from the player and not given
money: 20.0
power: 0.5
- msg %player% sadly, you lost. Say goodbye to 20 coins (VAULT PLUGIN REQUIRED)!
#enables titles such as the countdown and "war started" and "war ended" messages (check screenshots on spigotmc)
enabled: true
#leave this off. it's for development purposes only
debug: false
#if not empty, all money given/taken will come/go to this account
bank-account: ''
#allow players to opt out of wars using /f war toggle
enable-war-opt-out: false

Almost all (if not all) messages the plugin displays/sends can be configured and changed. This can be done through the messages.yml file. Simply edit the messages there and do /fw reload afterwards.

Stats work using either sqlite or mysql. To use MySQL instead of SQLite set stats.use-mysql: false. Stats can be viewed using /f war top or /f war stats which displays top factions and your faction's stats (or a specific faction if you do /f war stats (factioname)) or through holograms. See the section below for info on holograms. You can edit the stats format on messages.yml. If you'd like to display stats on a webpage, use MySQL instead of SQLite and simply make a script to connect to the database and display the stats. If you need assistance with this, contact me.

Holograms are supported through the use of HolographicDisplays. Simply install that plugin and enable them in the config.yml. See "holograms" under the "Configuration" section for more info on configuring them.
Adding a hologram: simply type /fw sethologram to add a hologram on your current location. You might need to leave and reconnect for the hologram to become visible to you.
Removing a hologram: /fw removehologram removes all holograms in a 5 block radius from your location

By purchasing and downloading this plugin, you agree to the following:
  • There will be no refunds
  • You may not redistribute this plugin
  • You may not decompile/edit the source code without my permission
  • You may use it for all the servers you OWN, but don't give it to anyone else.
If you require any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me through a PM or post a reply to the forum thread. You may also add me on skype: gui_poseidon. Please include "faction wars" in the contact request.
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Reactions: Khagboy and Quantum
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Latest updates

  1. Fixed FEUDAL jar

    Fixed FEUDAL jar, which was empty for some reason. Sorry for the delay