EvilAdmin - Trolling On The Next Level

NULLED EvilAdmin - Trolling On The Next Level 3.1.8c

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Thanks Digiwolf and EnderHusband for giving me ideas!
NOTE: By downloading this plugin, you agree to the Terms at the bottom of the Overview!

Compact and efficient code
35+ hilarious trolls
Permissions for better control
Practically 100% configurable
Multiversion support (Spigot/Bukkit/CraftBukkit running Minecraft 1.8.x/1.9.x/1.10.x/1.11.x/1.12)

/eviladmin help - EvilAdmin Help Menu
/eviladmin version - EvilAdmin Version Number
/eviladmin troll <player> - EvilAdmin Troll GUI
/eviladmin update - Checks if you have the newest version of EvilAdmin
/resethealth <player> - Sets the player to 10 hearts, in case of DoubleHealth glitching on server restarts and such.
/troll <player> <troll> - Troll without the GUI

eviladmin.help - Players with this permission can do /eviladmin help.
eviladmin.version - Players with this permission can do /eviladmin version.
eviladmin.update - Players with this permission can do /eviladmin update.
eviladmin.troll - Players with this permission can do /eviladmin troll and /troll.
eviladmin.notroll - Players with this permission cannot be trolled.
eviladmin.resethealth - Players with this permission can do /resethealth

[As of version 3.1.8] 36 Trolls organized alphabetically inside of a GUI accessed by /eviladmin troll <player>

Underlined trolls are my personal favorites.

AntiMine (Toggle) - Stops the target from mining, or starts allowing them to mine.

Arrow (Toggle) - Spawns an arrow above the target every second, or stops the arrows from spawning more.

Blindness (Toggle) - Blinds the target, or undoes the blindness.

Burn (Toggle) - Burns the target, or extinguishes. If they die whilst burning, it is automatically turned off.

Cage (Toggle) - Traps the target in a cage, or lets them out. The cage item is configurable, but by default is Bedrock.

ClearArmor - Clears the armor of the target.

ClearInventory - Clears the inventory of the target.

Confuse (Toggle) - Removes vowels from the target's chat, or puts them back.

Crash - Fake crashes the Minecraft client of the target.
Note: This doesn't ACTUALLY crash the client. It just kicks the target with a configurable Java error message.

Deafen - Prevent the target from seeing chat, or allow them to again.

DelayedDeath - Curses the target to die soon (seconds defined in config).

DoubleHealth (Toggle) - Doubles the health of the target, or sets it back to normal.

Drown (Toggle) - Traps the player in a cage to drown in, or sets them free.

Explode - Spawns TNT on the target.

ExtremeSpeed (Toggle) - Gives the target x30 speed, or removes it.

FakeBan - Fake bans the target.

Freefall - Makes the target fall from very high (height configurable).

FakeJoin - Broadcasts a FakeJoin message from the target.

FakeLeave - Broadcasts a FakeLeave message from the target.

Freeze (Toggle) - Freeze the target, or allow them to move.

Halfheart - Sets the target to one half heart of health.

Herobrine - Puts Herobrine's head on the target's head.

Jump (Toggle) - Forces the target to continually jump, or disables the constant jumping.

LavaMine (Toggle) - Turns every block the target mines into Lava, or stops doing so.

LavaFloor - Turns the floor around the target to Lava for a configurable amount of seconds.

Lightning - Spawns Lightning on the target.

Popular - Teleport every online player to the target

Potato - Fills the target's inventory with potatoes.

PumpkinHead - Puts a pumpkin on the target's head.

Scare - Scares the target (Guardian face and creepy sound).

Starve - Starves the target.

TrollKick - Kicks the target with a configurable trolly message.

TurnAround - Turns the target around (180 degrees).

VoidTeleport - Teleports the target into the void.

Weaken (Toggle) - Prevent the target from doing damage, or return the ability.

ZombieHorde - Spawns a horde of zombies around the target.

Most of them work in the command /troll.

Each Troll has configurable messages and items!

NOTE: Go to this link for a list of possible item names:

To Do:
- Add More Trolls! (Feel Free To Request Some)

This plugin uses bStats to take Metrics. It takes anonymous data about the server to help me understand how EvilAdmin is used and better improve the plugin. If you don't want this to be used, you can disable it in the '/plugins/bStats' folder, although I recommend you leave it enabled.

Download Goals:
1 - Done
5 - Done
10 - Done
20 - Done
50 - Hopefully soon to come

Servers Using This Plugin:
PM me with proof of use of EvilAdmin to get added!


1 - Do not decompile this plugin. I worked hard on it, and it is NOT okay for you to steal my work.
2 - Do not redistribute this plugin in any way, shape, or form, regardless of whether or not you get paid for it.
3 - Do not obtain this plugin in any illegal manner. The only legal ways to get this plugin is buying it from this page or from me (Dartanman) giving it to you.
4 - Downloading this plugin means you have permission to use it on any server that you OWN. This means you pay for the ENTIRE server. If you are Developer on a server, or have the Owner rank on a server, but it isn't YOUR SERVER, you CANNOT use this plugin on that server. If you own MULTIPLE SERVERS (e.g. A Bungee Network) you may use it on each server that you OWN.
5 - If I find that you disobeyed these terms in any way, I can and will remove your ability to use this plugin, and depending on severity, I may take legal action against you.
6 - No refunds. No chargebacks.
7 - Spigot Staff may disobey Rule 1, to check the plugin for whatever they check it for. Spigot Staff may disobey Rule 3, if, and only if, they are taking it for free for the SOLE PURPOSE of going through the plugin's approval/disapproval process. Spigot Staff may disobey Rule 4, if they are testing the plugin, as they may or may not own the server they test the plugin on, if they test it.
8 - If you find a bug or glitch, you will not post a bad review about it. If you want to tell me about it, you will PM me on this site.
9 - I can get you removed from the Buyers List if I see it fit.
10 - I reserve the right to change these terms at any time, with or without warning.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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