EscapeTheDragon | Bungee-Mode/Multi-Arena | Solo/Team | Party | Voting | Kits | Coin Boosters

NULLED EscapeTheDragon | Bungee-Mode/Multi-Arena | Solo/Team | Party | Voting | Kits | Coin Boosters 3.4

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

EscapeTheDragon turns your server into a real parkour challenge! Parkour through a map while the dragon is chasing you! Use your kit ability to benefit yourself or to attack others! An entertaining game for your server! A good strategy is needed to survive all the way to the end of the map!

Extremely lightweight.
Bungee Mode/Multi Arena System.
Voting System! You can vote for Time Types and Health Boosts.
Party System included allowing playing with friends in an easier way.
Solo/Team mode for arenas.
⬤ Kits with abilities!
⬤ Keep spectating the match on death! Teleporter, Spectator-Settings, Play-Again and Return To Hub.
⬤ Auto Join feature!
⬤ Supports multiple Hub servers to be sent back to after a game.
Economy rewards at the end of a game via Vault.
Holograms support to show personal stats holograms via HolograpicDisplays.
PlaceholderAPI support for the scoreboard.
⬤ Fully customizable messages, titles and scoreboards.
⬤ Fully working arena restore system!
⬤ Stores data 2 ways to ensure no data loss. Files or SQL Saving.
⬤ Supports 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x & 1.12.x!


IP: -Coming soon-

1. Buy and download the plugin.

2. Citizens2 is requested to run this minigame!
Download for 1.8 - CLICK HERE!
Download for 1.9 - CCLICK HERE!
Download for 1.10 - CCLICK HERE!
Download for 1.11 - CCLICK HERE!
Download for 1.12 - CLICK HERE!

3. For economy rewards you need Vault. CLICK HERE! Keep in mind Vault also needs an economy plugin connected to it. Examples: Essentials & Craftconomy3.

4. If you would like more placeholders I suggest you install PlaceholderAPI also. CLICK HERE!

4. Place the EscapeTheDragon.jar, Citizens.jar, Vault.jar and
files in your plugins folder.

5. Start and stop your server to make sure the configurations generate.

6. Configure whatever you want. Then start the server and setup your arenas. Follow the tutorial below to ensure you setup them correctly.

EscapeTheDragonWeb Addon - CLICK HERE!
Demo/Preview - CLICK HERE!

Current progress:
Coin Booster 75% done

➤ EscapeTheDragon.Admin ➜
Gives you access to all the commands of EscapeTheDragon.

EscapeTheDragon.Game➜ Gives you access to all the game commands and the moderator menu of a game.

EscapeTheDragon.Vote.Time-Types ➜ Gives you the ability to vote for time types.

EscapeTheDragon.Vote.Health-Boosts ➜ Gives you the ability to vote for health boosts.

EscapeTheDragon.Party.Donator-Limit ➜ Gives you the donator limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

EscapeTheDragon.Party.Vip-Limit ➜ Gives you the Vip limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

EscapeTheDragon.Party.Mod-Limit ➜ Gives you the Mod limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

EscapeTheDragon.Party.Admin-Limit ➜ Gives you the Admin limit for maximum amount of players in a party.

EscapeTheDragon.Economy.Bonus ➜ Gives all the players in a game the extra bonus amount of coins if a player has this permission.

EscapeTheDragon.Kit.(name) ➜ Gives you the permission to use a kit if the kit has permission requested enabled.

General Commands:
/ETD join ➜
Joins an arena.

/ETD setLobby ➜ Sets the main lobby spawn.

/ETD lobby ➜ Teleports you to the main lobby spawn.

/ETD arena ➜ Shows you the commands for arenas.

/ETD hologram ➜ Shows you the commands for holograms.

/ETD kit ➜ Shows you the commands for kits.

/ETD stats ➜ Shows you the commands for stats.

/ETD editMode➜ Enables or disables your Edit-Mode.

/ETD reload ➜ Reloads the plugin.

Party Commands:
/Party create ➜
Creates a new party.

/Party join ➜ Joins a party.

/Party invite ➜ Invites a player to the party.

/Party kick ➜ Kicks a player to the party.

/Party info ➜ Shows info about the party.

Game Commands:
/Game start ➜
Starts the game.

/Game stop ➜ Stops the game.

/Game moderate ➜ Opens the moderator menu of the game.

Leave Commands:
/Leave ➜
Leaves the game you are in but can also send you back to a hub server.

Arena Commands:
/ETD arena create ➜
Creates a new arena.

/ETD arena delete ➜
Deletes an arena.

/PSGETDarena setMode ➜ Sets the mode of an arena.

/ETD arena setLobby ➜ Sets the lobby spawn of an arena.

/ETD arena setSpectator ➜ Sets the spectator spawn of an arena.

/ETD arena setAuthor ➜ Sets the author of an arena.

/ETD arena addSpawn ➜ Adds a new game spawn to an arena.

/ETD arena removeSpawn ➜ Removes a game spawn from an arena.

/ETD arena listSpawns ➜ Lists all current game spawns of an arena.

/ETD arena addFlyPoint ➜ Adds a new fly point to an arena.

/ETD arena removeFlyPoint ➜ Removes a fly point from an arena.

/ETD arena listFlyPoints ➜ Lists all current fly points of an arena.

/ETD arena setMinimumPlayers ➜ Sets the minimum players requested of an arena to start.

/ETD arena setMaximumPlayers ➜ Sets the maximum players of an arena.

/ETD arena setMaximumTeamSize ➜ Sets the minimum amount of teams of an arena.

/ETD arena saveWorld ➜ Saves a copy of the world and is used to arena resetting.

/ETD arena list ➜ Lists all current arenas.

Hologram Commands:
/ETD hologram add ➜
Adds a new hologram.

/ETD hologram delete ➜ Deletes a hologram.

/ETD hologram list➜ Lists all current holograms.

Kit Commands:
/ETD kit create ➜
Creates a new kit.

/ETD kit delete ➜ Deletes a kit.

/ETD kit list ➜ Lists all current kits.

/ETD kit setCost ➜ Sets the cost of a kit.

/ETD kit setSlot ➜ Sets the slot of a kit.

/ETD kit setAbilityCooldown ➜ Sets the ability cooldown of a kit.

/ETD kit setPermissionRequested ➜ Sets if a kit should be requested a permission to use it or not.

/ETD kit setAbilityType ➜ Sets the ability type of a kit.

/ETD kit setAbilityItem ➜ Sets the ability item of a kit.

/ETD kit setIcon ➜ Sets the icon of a kit.

/ETD kit setInventory ➜ Sets the inventory of a kit.

/ETD kit addDescription ➜ Adds a description line to a kit.

/ETD kit removeDescription ➜ Removes a description line from a kit.

/ETD kit showDescription ➜ Shows the current description of a kit.

Stats Commands:
/ETD stats set ➜
Sets stats of a player.

/ETD stats add ➜ Adds stats of a player.

/ETD stats remove ➜ Removes stats of a player.

➜ Default Config

Default Items

This documentation is used for developers who want to hook into the minigame!

All these methods are located in a class called API. The import is "sv.file14.escapethedragon.api.API".

isInGame(Player player)
• Returns a boolean if a player is in a game or not.

hasParty(Player player)
• Returns a boolean if a player has a party or not.

hasTeam(Player player)
• Returns a boolean if a player has a party or not.

cancelGame(Player player, String... args)
• Returns a boolean if the game the player was in was successfully canceled.

getGamesPlayed(Player player)
• Returns an int of games played by the player.

getWins(Player player)
• Returns an int of wins by the player.

setGamesPlayed(Player player, int gamesPlayed)
• Returns a boolean if the stats was successfully set.

setWins(Player player, int wins)
• Returns a boolean if the stats was successfully set.

By purchasing this plugin or downloading new versions you accept the following terms of use:

➤ You are aware of that EscapeTheDragon is meant to run ONLY on Spigot servers.
No refunds! All purchases are final!
➤ You are NOT allowed to redistribute this plugin!
➤ Use it only for YOUR server/network!
➤ You are NOT allowed to LEAK this plugin on any website!
➤ You are NOT allowed to share this plugin with somebody else!
➤ You cannot claim the code of the plugin belongs to you!
➤ The price may change at any time without notice.
➤ You are responsible for what happens to the plugin after downloading. Accidental distribution or leaking will not be used as an excuse. You are responsible for the security of the plugin.

About to post a review? Please do NOT post any issues as a review! If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, just PM me or use the discussion page! You can also contact me through Discord.
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5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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