EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS! [1.8-1.12]

NULLED EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS! [1.8-1.12] 2.21.1

No permission to download
-Added new extra requirement: SkillAPI Classes and Levels
For this option to work you need this plugin:

This will check if the player is level 5 Warrior. You need to put a valid created Class name.
Code (Text):
id: '276'
amount: 1
category: others
- 5;4
-Completely changed and recoded the "hide-required-item-flags" feature. If you find a bug related with that, please tell me as soon as possible.

-Added "ignore-required-items-data-values" option. For example, if you want to craft a workbench, you can use any type of wood. (5:1,5:2,5:3,...)
Added compatibility with http://heads.freshcoal.com/, https://minecraft-heads.com/ and other textured heads. That means that now you can allow player craft heads with custom textures like I show you in the image below:

You can create this craftings manually or using /ecraft create command.

If you want to do it manually follow this example:

- 25% Off until December 25
Fixed bug removing required items from inventory when one of them is on the left hand or in armor equipment.
-Skull-Owner feature added.
Now you can let users craft specific skulls. This feature also work with required items, just remember to create the crafting using /ecraft create

For this option to work you need to set the ID of the item to: 397:3. You can also write %player% to make the player can craft just their own skull.
Code (Text):
id: '397:3'
skull-owner: '%player%'
name: "&6&lYour Head"
category: others
- '349;1'
-Log File added.
If the log option is enabled, this file will be updated every time users create a crafting. This log shows date,name of the user, and name of the crafting. You can set after how many time the log should reset (in days)
Code (Text):
enabled: true
clear-log-time: 7
-Config.yml updated
-Flags are now hidden on category items.
-Fixed important bug if users have the required items on armor.
-Added new option to the config: cooldown-notification-messages
If enabled, users will receive notificacion messages when craftings with cooldown have finished creating.
-Fixed bug when crafting random commands .

-Messages.yml file updated.
-Config.yml file updated.
-Now you have the possibility to add a permission to open certain category.

-Added notification message when craftings with cooldown have finished creating.
-25% OFF 1 week!! (Until 31 August)