
NULLED EasyBackup 2.7.0

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Thank you for using EasyBackup!

If you need any help with EasyBackup or you have an update/plugin ideas, please join my plugin discord.

BungeeCord Version
When you download EasyBackup, you will get a zipped file with a version for Spigot and one for BungeeCord. You can now backup your bungee servers!

Exempt SQL Tables
You can now exempt tables if they are too large to backup over the internet.
Code (Text):
host: localhost
port: 3306
username: root
password: '%c1%*FC*TiDK(oD?`\&Tz''A%m1=='
database: database
- table
You can have this disabled, and enable it to run before each backup. This can be setup to remove old logs and old player files. Can be used with "/backup clean"
Code (Text):
cleanBeforeBackup: true
enable: true
daysOld: 4
enable: false
daysOld: 365
- world
- world_nether
- world_end

Backup FTP Command
You can use "/backup ftp" to upload the latest backup to your ftp sever instead of having to create a backup again. Great for testing!

EasyBackup will now tell you know long each part of a backup takes:

Safety Setting
You can now disable disk size checking allowing you to create a backup even if there may not be enough room. Do not disable this unless you KNOW it will not go over the disk size.

Bug Fixes
  • Zip error canceling backup
  • Like
Reactions: Acenox
FTP max backups:
There is a new setting called "ftp.maxBackupsBeforeErase". This is how many backups can go onto your ftp before the older ones are deleted. This is the same as "maxBackupsBeforeErase", but it is for FTP uploads. If you do not want it to delete any, set this to 0.

Small bug fix:
There was a small bug with the TPS checking which caused a backup to fail when you try to start one. This has been fixed.

Update message typo:
The update checking message had a small typo which has been fixed.