DivineItemsRPG | 1.9 - 1.13

NULLED DivineItemsRPG | 1.9 - 1.13 3.9.5

No permission to download
[Fixed] A bug where percent armor types works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where vanilla item durability decreases if custom durability was 0.
[Fixed] A bug where Buffs does not applies correctly.
[Fixed] A bug where NBT tags applies incorrectly.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Added] Drops option 'RollOnce: <true/false>', which means no more than 1 item can be dropped from the specified module.
[Added] Old MythicMobs drop mechanic.
[Added] MythicMobs divine items equipment.

[Fixed] A bug where drop identify did not works.
[Fixed] A bug where drop rates works incorrect.
[Fixed] Console errors on /list commands.
[Added] Attribute capabilities
[Added] Tier options: Color.Random: <true/false> and Color.Value: <r,g,b>
[Added] Permission to bypass item class: divineitems.bypass.class

[Changed] Indicators now displays all damage types.
[Changed] Crit and Block indicators now applying for all damage types. You need to remove the '%dmg%' from Block and Crit indicators, it's useless now.
[Changed] Some changes in damage formula for correct damage display

[Fixed] Performance improvement
[Fixed] Rounded damage in block messages
[Fixed] Magic dust levels
[Fixed] Some bugs with config updating
[Fixed] Console errors
[Fixed] Console errors
[Fixed] A bug where ability gems doesn't drops
[Fixed] A bug with /di set class command
[Fixed] A bug with soulbound
[Fixed] A bug with item durability
[Fixed] A bug where anvil displays disabled repair types
[Fixed] A bug with Magic Dust
[Fix] Finally fixed item data from tiers.