[DailySpin] Animated Roullete, Daily Reward

NULLED [DailySpin] Animated Roullete, Daily Reward 1.0.2

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10

DailySpin isn't your regular Rewards system its a Animated daily based system. With an amazing Roulette animation, Unique style. Gives your server the Unique style it deserves. With an amazing configurable rewards system as simple as just one line. continue down to see all its features!

  • Unlimited rewards.
  • MySQL Support.
  • 1k+ Placeholders.
  • Fully customization.
  • Amazing time-format customization!
  • Unlimited commands.
  • Dynamic GUI.
  • Supports PlaceholdersAPI.
  • BungeeCord friendly.
  • EULA Friendly.
  • Sound support command.
  • Firework support command.
  • User-Friendly help command.
  • A Must have for networks!

  1. Download the requirements below(PlaceholdersAPI)
  2. Buy and Download DailySpin latest version.
  3. Place the required dependencies(optional) and DailySpin on your plugins folder.
  4. Start your server.
  5. Wait for the plugin to enable and generate needed files.
  6. Stop the server, Configure the config.yml and rewards.yml inside the storage folder, Config them to your needs.
  7. Start and enjoy!

Code (Text):
/dailyspin (Opens rewards GUI)
Perm: dailyspin.open

/dailyspin <player> (Opens rewards GUI for specified player)
Perm: dailyspin.open.others

/dailyspin reload reloads the plugin configs and rewards/cooldowns
Perm: dailyspin.reload
/dailyspin clearcooldowns (Clears all cooldowns from your self.)
Perm: dailyspin.clearcooldowns

/dailyspin clearcooldowns <player> (Clears all cooldowns from the specified player.)
Perm: dailyspin.clearcooldowns.others

/dailyspin addreward <chance> Adds the reward with the specified chance, coming soon...
Perm: dailyspin.addreward

/dailyspin help (Get help message)
Perm: dailyspin.help


Code (Text):

placeholdersAPI: false #Highly recommended to get access to 1k+ Placeholders!
spinSpeed: 4 #This is specified in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second. 4 is by default.
spinLength: 5 #This is specified in seconds. 5 seconds is by default.
#rewardsLoadAmount: 12, ? should i add this so if the slot the price falls in is blank then they get nothing ?
#Welp you guys decide if i get enough requests of this, then i shall implement.
openName: "DailySpin %player_name%"
spinningName: "DailySpin - Spinning..."
fill: "stained_glass_pane:7 1"
yourPriceLeft: "stained_glass_pane:5 1 &a&lYour_price_->"
yourPriceRight: "stained_glass_pane:5 1 &a&l<-_Your_price"
spin: "stained_glass_pane:5 1 &a&lSPIN_IT!"
inCooldown: "stained_glass_pane:14 1 &c&lIN_COOLDOWN! &r;&8Wait;%dailyspin_time_formatted%"
noPermission: "&c&lYou don't have permission to do this!"
days: "&7%dailyspin_days% days, "
hours: "&7%dailyspin_hours% hours, "
minutes: "&7%dailyspin_minutes% minutes, "
seconds: "&7%dailyspin_seconds% seconds"
no-cooldown: "&a&lAvailable!"
#storage type can be either MySQL or flat_file
#if type is mysql fill the things below if their invalid the plugin will not enable.
#The address is defined as follow <address>:<port>
type: "flat_file"
address: "localhost:port"
user: "root"
password: "password"
database: "database"
help-header: "&d&l[]____________[&b&lDaily&e&lSpin&d&l]____________[]"
help-footer: "&d&l[]____________[&b&lDaily&e&lSpin&d&l]____________[]"
non-numeric-value: '&4&oSpecified value is not a number!'
no-permission: '&4&oYou do not have permission for this command.'
player-offline: '&a&oPlayer must be online to execute this command.'
clear-cooldowns-success: '&aSuccessfully cleared &b%player_name% &acooldowns!'

Rewards.yml (Isn't it neat :laughing: )
Code (Text):

- "cmds:disappointed:broadcast &6%player_name% &ehas got a &b5x Diamond &efrom &b&lDaily&e&lSpin!/new give %player_name% diamond 5/new spawnfirework/new playsound ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP:1:1), display:disappointed:diamond 5 &b&l5x_Diamonds), onopen:disappointed:&b&lDaily&e&lSpin: &b&oYou have received your daily reward! Come back tomorrow.), chance:disappointed:0.5)"
- "cmds:disappointed:broadcast &6%player_name% &ehas got &a$1,000 &efrom &b&lDaily&e&lSpin!/new eco give %player_name% 1000/new spawnfirework/new playsound ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP:1:1), display:disappointed:paper 1 &a&l$1,000), onopen:disappointed:&b&lDaily&e&lSpin: &b&oYou have received your daily reward! Come back tomorrow.), chance:disappointed:0.4)"
- "cmds:disappointed:broadcast &6%player_name% &ehas got &a$10,000 &efrom &b&lDaily&e&lSpin!/new eco give %player_name% 10000/new spawnfirework/new playsound ENTITY_GHAST_DEATH:1:1), display:disappointed:paper 10 &a&l$10,000), onopen:disappointed:&b&lDaily&e&lSpin: &b&oYou have received your daily reward! Come back tomorrow.), chance:disappointed:0.3)"
- "cmds:disappointed:broadcast &6%player_name% &ehas got &d5x GOD APPLES! &efrom &b&lDaily&e&lSpin!/new give %player_name% 322:1 5/new spawnfirework/new playsound ENTITY_ENDERDRAGON_GROWL:1:1), display:disappointed:322:1 5 &b&l5x_GOD_APPLES!), onopen:disappointed:&b&lDaily&e&lSpin: &b&oYou have received your daily reward! Come back tomorrow.), chance:disappointed:0.2)"
- "cmds:disappointed:broadcast &6%player_name% &ehas got &0$10x BEDROCK! &efrom &b&lDaily&e&lSpin!/new give %player_name% bedrock 10/new spawnfirework/new playsound ENTITY_ENDERDRAGON_GROWL:1:1), display:disappointed:bedrock 10 &b&l10x_BEDROCK!), onopen:disappointed:&b&lDaily&e&lSpin: &b&oYou have received your daily reward! Come back tomorrow.), chance:disappointed:0.1)"

I am always open for suggestions, if you have any suggestions please drop it on the discussions section or PM me it!

  • Make an editor with GUI to edit/add/remove rewards!
  • Listen to suggestions...

  • luckyfeed.net
  • Want to show off your server here? PM me the IP!

  • Do not distribute this plugin as your plugin.
  • Do not share this plugin with anyone.
  • Do not decompile the plugin jar you will not get support.
  • No refunds at all.
  • You may use this plugin on 1 server or network only!
First release
Last update
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