Daily Bonus [1.7 - 1.12] - Increase player retention!

NULLED Daily Bonus [1.7 - 1.12] - Increase player retention!

No permission to download
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 - 1.12

You may be wondering what is Daily Bonus? Daily Bonus is a plugin focused on giving players an incentive to join your server every day. With this plugin you can easily reward players for continually returning giving them better rewards for the longer the streak!

Created and compiled with Java 8
Support for versions earlier than Spigot 1.7.10 will not be provided

Some of just many features that this plugin includes are:

- MySQL support for cross server syncing
- Completely automated
- Set an unlimited amount of rewards
- Set clickable NPC's
- Customize the menu items, names etc.
- Click to receive rewards
- Choose from 5 menu designs
- Well designed menu
- Required playtime check
- IP single claim protection
- Unique permission rewards
- Specialized player checks
- Auto opens on join (if reward available)
- Can view daily progression menu with command
- Autosaves timers on server stop
- Initializes timers on server start
- Adjustable delay timer
- Reminder messages (if reward available)
- Editable menu lores
- PlaceholderAPI & MVdWPlaceholder integration
- Updating lore placeholders
- Action based rewards
- JavaScript action integration
- Vault economy support
- Custom received lore
- And much more!

The plugin does not feature too many commands as it is all mainly automated by the plugin itself using events. These are the current commands featured in this plugin.

Command: /dailybonus - opens the bonus menu
Permission: dailybonus.menu.open

Command: /dailybonus test <reward #> - tests the actions for the specific reward

Command: /dailybonus reset <player name> - resets the players day count
Permission: dailybonus.admin

Command: /dailybonus set <player name> <amount> - sets the players day count to the specified value
Permission: dailybonus.admin

Command: /db npc create - toggles NPC create mode, next right clicked entity will be set
Permission: dailybonus.admin

Command: /db npc delete - toggles NPC delete mode, next right clicked NPC will be deleted
Permission: dailybonus.admin

Command: /dailybonus reload - reloads the plugin files
Permission: dailybonus.admin

In addition to the per command permissions the plugin also contains the following permissions with different purposes.

Permission: dailybonus.menu - allows for players to get rewards and view the menu on join

Permisison: dailybonus.exempt - disallows the player from getting rewards

Regular Installation:
1 - Place DailyBonus.jar into your servers plugins folder
2 - Restart your server
3 - Edit config and rewards.yml to your liking
4 - Either reload or restart your server
5 - Watch your player retention grow!

MySQL Installation:
1 - Place the DailyBonus.jar into your servers plugin folder
2 - Restart the servers
3 - Set the MySQL settings in the config.yml
4 - Configure the rest of the files to your liking
5 - Restart the servers

Actions are what will be executed when the player is eligible to receive a reward. Actions range from player commands, to console commands, and even more such as whether or not a sound will play. They are completely configurable to your liking however when defining them know that they are CaSe-Sensitive.

Example action:
- '[Delay=5] [ConsoleCommand] op %player%'

The above action would wait 5 seconds after they have opened the GUI to receive their rewards then run command 'op %player%' giving operator status to whoever was the receiver of the reward

JavaScript Actions:
You can also use JavaScript in your actions to further enhance what you can do with your rewards and other parts of the plugin.

  • BukkitPlayer - The player who the action is being executed for
  • DailyBonus - The instance of the plugin

Code (Text):
[ConsoleCommand] eco give %player% [JavaScript=%dailybonus_day% * 20]
In the plugin there are a few placeholders you can choose from for use in either item lore, messages, or actions. They can be very useful when trying to execute complex or even basic rewards.

PlaceholderAPI 2.3.0+
Download DailyBonus placeholders in-game using PlaceholderAPI and the following command. It will automatically download the extension to your PlaceholderAPI extensions folder.

/papi cloud download dailybonus

By purchasing this plugin you are in acceptance and agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions stated.

If you have any issues with the plugin you will contact me via PM and I will help you with your issue before you post a negative review stating something like "The plugin doesn't work".

I am under no obligation to provide support and do so at my own discretion.

You may not decompile and/or edit the source code without written permission from JC_Plays_MC.

You also acknowledge that there will be NO REFUNDS issued and you will not file a chargeback, dispute, or claim through PayPal.

Finally you will not redistribute the Daily Bonus plugin or any of its source code publicly or privately.

By purchasing this plugin you are entitled to run it on as many of YOUR own servers that you wish, however this does not mean share it with your friends!

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. file fix

    file fix
  2. 1.12.1 Support

    This update simply adds support for the latest 1.12.1

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