Craftmoto ★★★★★

NULLED Craftmoto ★★★★★ 1.0.747

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Banged out a little bit more - just 'cuz I love you all.

In this update:

  • Fixed issues in the vgarage and vcleanup commands in 1.12 and 1.10
  • A little refactoring
  • Allowed vehicles to persist properly over restarts (as if they were garaged when the server stopped and removed when the server starts again)
As you all know, I've been busy with my studies and travels around the world. I returned from Italy yesterday morning and today, after a couple weeks of beta testing, Craftmoto is ready for an update!

In this update:

  • Added docking ports!
  • Added seat0 to possible dummy seat fallbacks
  • Added an idle sound (to differentiate the drive sound)
  • Added boost to 1.8.8
  • Added boost duration
  • Added speed-based predicates for changing display items
  • Added the ability to destroy vehicles on exit
  • Added to Bombardier (designed by @CaptainGalax)
  • Fixed some small bugs
  • Fixed a bug on 1.8 where sounds from resource packs didn't play
  • Fixed a crash on 1.12
  • Fixed caching and made it super quick
  • Updated the blaze boat config
  • Updated the update notifier

I'm also the proud owner of This site will eventually host a vehicle expansion pack store as well some cool gadgets for you guys to use. I'm endlessly adding cool things to Craftmoto and if there's anything else you'd like to see, make sure you head on over to the Discord and ask!
In the last update, I broke dummy seats. I'm a dummy.

In this update:
  • Added seats.dummy_fallback
  • Added config option to enable vehicle property caching
    • Defaults to true
    • Makes your server faster but costs a bit of memory
    • In normal servers, this shouldn't make a noticeable difference and it is a weak cache (so it will give up its memory allocation if the server needs it)... If you notice your server slowing down a little bit, try disabling this in the config.yml
  • Added 1.12 Paper Spigot compatibility
  • Improved the vspawn command to allow players, consoles and blocks to use it more ways
  • Fixed a server crash
  • Fixed a saving issue
  • Fixed dummy seats

The next big feature (docking ports!) is already underway. In fact, fragments of the docking port code is already implemented (you'll be able to see some of the options in the template.yml already)! It's coming soon and should help you make trains, roller coasters, space ships and more!

See you next time,
It's been a month and 4 days since I've done one of these and I hope you didn't miss me too much. I've been busy exploring my new country, trying to pass my courses and, of course, writing new additions to our little plugin here.

Without further ado...

In this update:
  • Added the ability to specify an owner name or UUID in the cleanup command (to only remove specific vehicles).
  • Added a boost action.
  • Added a feedback message for vrefresh.
  • Added pickup_players to allow vehicles to pickup nearby players.
    • Changed behaviour of pickup_mobs to only pickup non-player entities.
  • Added the ability to specify locked seat data in the vspawn command.
    • Formatted like "locked": {"seat0": true, "seat1": true", "seat7": true}
  • Added the ability to garage a vehicle on purchase.
  • Added the ability to garage a vehicle on exit.
  • Added a collide_with_mobs option to configure whether or not entities should be able to push vehicles.
  • Added the ability to glue helmet accessories to other seats (advanced users).
  • Added the ability to override the default placement of accessories by using the placement_override tag to put an accessory on an unexpected body part.
  • Added fuel display in the action bar.
  • Added the ability to specify the fuel display character for gas stations.
  • Added solar panels.
  • Changed dummy seat interaction so when a player clicks a dummy seat, it falls through to the first available and unlocked seat.
  • Changed the owner lock to only apply to steering seats (the standard car lock still applies to all, and owners bypass this).
  • Prevented players with given custom vehicle inventories from interacting with their vehicle inventory to prevent item duplications.
  • Fixed a block clipping issue on 1.9-1.9.4.
  • Fixed a potential error when garaging a dying vehicle.
  • Fixed issue where some seat models wouldn't despawn when they should.
  • Tiny fix with 1.12 anvils and nametags.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with Craftmoto events.
  • Fixed a bug where upgrading a vehicle wouldn't update the display immediately.
  • Fixed pitching vehicles when they weren't supposed to.
  • Fixed some VTOLs not responding properly.
  • Fixed issue where vehicles would be sent to the garage when any accessory breaks (as opposed to only when the vehicle dies).
  • Fixed issues with persistence (chunk unloading, server restarting, etc.)
  • Optimized Craftmoto mob spawners.
  • Updated @NullBlox's resource pack
    • Defaulted to an all-black theme but there are 10 colours for every model!
    • Note that this version of the pack has some incomplete textures that Craftmoto uses by default.
    • You can temporarily change this by updating the entries in the config files, but when the resource pack is updated, the current values will be the proper textured ones.

Thanks for reading this (long!) update log. Lots of cool things in this version, so get out there, float your boats and make sure you're driving the speed limit!

With love,
I hate to make it a habit of updating Craftmoto without fixing old known bugs (especially when those bugs are in new features) but this is just a quick update before I go out to the bar to be a responsible human being.

In this update:
  • Removed dummy seat ability to clip through blocks.
  • Fixes for 1.9 through 1.9.4.
Whew, that was a mouthful.

In this update:
  • Added an action hook for the sprint key (seats.control in the configs).
    • SQL users beware that you'll have to manually add these in your tables or drop them to allow Craftmoto to remake them properly.
  • Added an SSL option in the config.yml for MySQL users.
  • Updated the update checker (lol @ the irony).
  • Added compatibility for old CrackShot versions.
  • Added yaw and pitch to the vehicle spawn command.
  • Added a config option to spawn vehicles from garages at the player's current location.
  • Stopped clearing inventories so you can have player inventories carry over with custom vehicle inventories.
  • Added an action toggle for VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) and sink (ie. the opposite of flying).
  • Fixed a possible client crash on vehicle death.
  • Added vehicle owners.
    • Whoever spawns the vehicle is automatically the owner.
    • Otherwise, you can specify the owner in the vspawn command with the owner tag. Can be any player name or entity UUID (player or otherwise, so cows can own cars now!).
  • Added a garage option for on death when the vehicle has an owner.
    • Also must be added to the MySQL tables.
  • Added a module break message (broken).
    • Also must be added to the MySQL tables.
  • Added a message when a player tries to buy something from the vshop but can't afford it.
  • Added some events to the API:
    • Accessory break
    • Accessory take damage
  • Fixed the default vehicle models.
  • Added console support for vspawn.
  • Added support for block textures spawning on place.
  • Added a changelog (so you will see all this info in your console when you update).
  • Packaged the resource pack inside of the jar so it will automatically unpack as necessary.
  • Fixed issues with 1.8.4, 1.8.8 and everything in between.
  • Added support for 1.9.4.

As you can see, this is a pretty big list. I usually make it a habit of actually testing out these things to make sure they're working, but I honestly haven't been able to start up a server since I was in Canada. I've had a few beta copies circulate so I know some things are working and I know some things are not, but I will be getting to it all soon enough. But man, I hope this update runs.

If you haven't joined us on Discord yet, make sure you hit us up there. I usually respond within minutes, and if I don't, we've got a great bunch of (usually off-topic but sometimes helpful) support there.

Thanks for tuning in for this edition of Craftmoto updates/long winded rants with me, the only developer to ever write update logs longer than some children's books. I'll see you again in the next one (and also your console when you update!).

Your friendly neighbourhood TeeePeee.
In this update:
  • Added support for other flavours of Minecraft (like 1.8.3 and 1.8.5).
    • These aren't officially tested so stand warned.
  • Fixed a client crash on 1.10
  • Protected against a division by 0 error on 1.12
  • Fixed an error onDisable for servers without MySQL
  • Prevented vehicles from becoming invisible when far away

I've also worked with @DeeCaaD to ensure CrackShotPlus compatibility. When that resource is updated, Craftmoto and CrackShotPlus will work together!

The latest resource pack is packaged here. Moving forwards, the resource pack will be packaged inside of the plugin so you'll always have access to the most up-to-date version without any messing around :smile: