
NULLED Captcha 3.48

No permission to download

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
InstantlyMoist (me)

Hey! Nice to see you here on my plugin page. I'm very proud of this work and I'm more then happy to share it with you. I hope you'll enjoy it :smile:

Captcha is YOUR anti-bot system. It provides a decent amount of Captcha's. Which are used to prevent bots from joining, spamming and hacking on your server. Besides the anti-bot systems built in to the plugin. The plugin also contains anti-AFK features, anti-hacking (Like checking how many times you click per second) and if you're above a certain amount a captcha will be provided, and the plugin blocks direct/too fast connections to prevent spam/lag on your server. And most of this happens aSync which means none of the server performance is affected by this plugin.

The plugin has 9 Captcha's at this point of time which are split into GUI ones and non-GUI ones. This are all of them:

GUI 1 (Steak GUI):
The goal of this Captcha is to click one certain item. You can customize this in the configuration file. And even use custom textures (For testing if a player has a certain resource pack on)

GUI 2 (Math GUI):
Time to prove your math skills, this captcha will provide a simple math question packed in a GUI. Those aren't very diffcult.

GUI 3 (Glow GUI):
The goal of this Captcha is to click a glowing item, The glowing item is a random item inbetween other random items. This one can be quite diffcult to spot, the perfect way to spot bots.

GUI 4 (Click all the ... GUI):
Although this one is quite simlair to GUI 1, this one is a bit different. In this GUI you'll need to click more types of one certain item. This item can be set in to the configuration file, and this one is also perfect for testing if the player has a certain resource pack on.

Captcha 1 (Type Captcha):
In this Captcha you'll get a random letter string, The size is customizable but set to 5 by default. Your goal is to type the string correctly.

Captcha 2 (Sneak Captcha):
This one is quite simple, You just need to sneak. As simple as that

Captcha 3 (Random number Captcha):
This one is quite similar to Captcha 1, In this Captcha your goal is to type a random number.

Captcha 4 (Look left/right/up/down Captcha):
This Captcha is still in BETA so disabled on default. You will need to look either left, right, up or down.

Captcha 5 (Jump Captcha):
This one is quite simple aswell. just JUMP!

Video by @MonsterZockerHD (German)

Pictures (Will be edited, nicer looking and updated when my internet is back/better)

Default config.yml:
Code (Text):

# Welcome to the NEW and recoded Captcha! I hope you enjoy it :smile:
# For all material names go to:
# For all sound names go to:

IgnoreMouseMovements: true
# Ignores mouse movements

# Messages:

PassedCaptcha: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: You succesfully passed the captcha!'
PassedCaptchaMessageEnabled: true

NoPermissions: '&7[&c&lError&7]: You dont have permissions to execute this command'
# Message when you dont have the permissions

UnknownPlayer: '&7[&c&lError&7]: The player %player% is invalid'
# Message when the player you specified is not known

NoCaptchasEnabled: '&7[&c&lError&7]: None of the captchas are enabled'
# Message when you try to open a Captcha but no Captcha's are enabled

HasOverride: '&7[&c&lError&7]: The player you specified has an override permission'
# Message when you try to open a Captcha to someone that has an override permission

- 'say %player% completed the captcha'

- 'say %player% failed the captcha'
# Does also work when kick is disabled

KickEnabled: true
# Is kicking after failing a captcha enabled or disabled?

KickMessage: '&7You have been kicked\nBecause you havent completed the captcha!'
# The message displayed when the player is kicked, Use \n for a new line

RelogDelayKickMessage: '&7You should wait another %s%\n seconds before logging in again'
# Message when you get kicked because you are still in cooldown

MustMove: '&7[&c&lError&7]: In order to talk or execute commands you must move'
# Message when you didnt move but you tried to talk or execute a command.

NotifyMessage: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: %player% didnt complete the Captcha!'
NotifyMessageEnabled: true
NotifyPermission: 'captcha.notify'

BotAttackOver: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: The bot attack seems to be over'

ServerLockedKickMessage: '&7Sorry, the server seems to be under a bot attack\n please try again later!'
# Message when the server is locked

# Other settings:

CaptchaAfterNotChattingEnabled: true

CaptchaAfterNotChatting: 300
# After what time a player should get a captcha when they dont chat (Seconds)

CaptchaAfterNotMovingEnabled: true

CaptchaAfterNotMoving: 300
# After what time a player should get a captcha when they dont move (Seconds)

MaximumJoinsPerSecond: 5
# Amount of players that can join before the server locks

CaptchaOnClick: 25
# Specify how many times a player should click per second in order to open a captcha (Anti-Macro)

CaptchaOnClickEnabled: true

MaximumChatsPer5Seconds: 5
# Specify how many times a player can chat in 5 seconds in order to open a captcha

MaximumChatsPer5SecondsEnabled: true

ReloadPermission: 'captcha.reload'
# Permission to reload

CaptchaOpenPermission: ''
# Permission to open captchas to other people

SoundOnCaptcha: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
# The sound you get when you get a captcha
# Set to NONE to disable

# The sound you get when you completed a captcha succesfully
# Set to NONE to disable

TimesFailed: 5
# Maximum times you can fail before you get kicked

KickTime: 10
# Time where the player should answer the Captcha in, Otherwise he or she gets kicked

RelogDelay: 15
# Time the player should wait before logging back on again

OverridePermission: 'captcha.override'
# Permission to override the captcha + move before chat/commands

MoveBeforeChatAndCommands: true
# Should you move before you chat or execute a command?

- '/login'
# Command that are allowed when you didnt move yet

CaptchaOn: ALL
# Specify on wich joins captcha's should appear
# Valid types are: FIRSTJOIN, ALL, NONE

BlockDirectConnections: true
# Should the server block direct connections?

BlockDirectConnectionsKickMessage: '&7Oops, Make sure you add the server To your server list! \n Was this a mistake? Refresh your server list!'
# Message when you directly connected to the server

# GUI 1:
# A.K.A Steak GUI

GUI1Enabled: true
# Is GUI1 enabled or not?

GUI1InventorySize: 54
# Must be a factor of 9

GUI1InventoryName: '&a&lClick the steak!'
# Name of the inventory

GUI1InventoryClickItem: 'COOKED_BEEF'
# What material should the item you need to click be?

GUI1InventoryClickItemDurabillity: 1
# Sets the durabilly of the item, for custom textures

GUI1InventoryClickItemUnbreakable: false
# Makes the item unbreakable or not, usefull for custom textures

GUI1InventoryClickItemName: '&a&lClick me!'
# What should the name of the item be?

- '&a&lClick me to complete the captcha!'
- '&a&lYes! me, Click me!'
# What should the lore of the item be?

GUI1InventoryFillName: '&c&lDont click me!'
# What should the name of the item be?

- '&c&lYou shouldnt click me at all!'
- '&c&lNo! not me! Dont click me'
# What should the lore of the item be?

# What material should the item you dont need to click be?

GUI1InventoryFillDurability: 15
# Sets the durabillity of the item, for custom textures

GUI1InventoryFillUnbreakable: false
# Makes the item unbreakable or not, usefull for custom textures

# GUI 2:
# A.K.A Math GUI

GUI2Enabled: true

GUI2InventoryName: '&a&lWhat is %1 + %2'

# GUI 3:
# A.K.A Glow GUI

GUI3Enabled: true

GUI3InventorySize: 54

GUI3InventoryName: '&a&lClick the glowing item!'

GUI3ClickItemName: '&a&lClick me!'

- '&a&lClick me!'
- 'Yes, Im the glowing item!'

# GUI 4:
# A.K.A CLick all the ... GUI

GUI4Enabled: true

GUI4InventoryName: '&7Click all the green blocks'


GUI4ClickItemName: '&a&lYes! Click me'

GUI4ClickItemDurabillity: 5

GUI4FillItemName: '&c&lNo!, Dont click me!'


GUI4FillItemDurabillity: 15

# Captcha 1:
# A.K.A Type Captcha

Captcha1Enabled: true

Captcha1Lenght: 5
# Lenght of the random letter string

Captcha1Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha you must type %captcha%'
# Message to be displayed when they get a type captcha

# Captcha 2:
# A.K.A Sneak Captcha

Captcha2Enabled: true

Captcha2Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha you must sneak'
# Message to be displayed when they get a type captcha

# Captcha 3:
# A.K.A Random number captcha

Captcha3Enabled: true

Captcha3Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha, you must type %number%'

Captcha3MaxRandomNumber: 9999

# Captcha 4:
# A.K.A Look (left/right/up/down) captcha

Captcha4Enabled: false

Captcha4Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha, you must look %to%'

# Captcha 5:
# A.K.A Jump captcha

Captcha5Enabled: true

Captcha5Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha, you must jump'

Alright, time for some commands.

Base command of the plugin
No permissions

/captcha reload
Reloads the configuration file
Permissions: captcha.reload (Customizable)

/captcha PLAYER
Opens a Captcha to a certain player
Permissions: (Customizable)

Other permissions are:

captcha.override (Customizable)
Allows you to override the Captcha

captcha.notify (Customizable)
Allowed you to get notified when someone fails the Captcha

Although the plugin seems to be done. It's far from done. Still some key functions are missing and I'm trying my very best to add them as soon as possible, so please be patient.

Some planned feautures are:

An API (With custom events, Ability to open Captcha's via your very own plugin, option to get data, etc)

More Captcha types (Got some in mind that might be awesome to add ;))

Expanded commands.

More options/customization

Very simple, it makes your server safer, and protects it from bots, direct connections, hackers and more. And the of all, you are able to turn all functions on/off, and customize them in to your liking.

If you find any form of issue, found a weird behaviour of the plugin, or just want to talk. You can contact me on several ways and I'll try to respond as soon as possible. Ways to contact me are:
Skype: blijschaap
Discord: InstantlyMoist#5807
Or Spigot PM.

At first, I'm allowed to change this when I want to.

You are allowed to decompile the plugin. But not reproduce any of my code in to your own plugin(s).

Before leaving a bad review, make sure to contact me on any of the ways above, we can solve your problem together, some may take longer then others. Am I not responding in a reasonable amount of time? Feel free to rate on any sort of form.

You are not allowed to upload Captcha to any other site, or send it to your friends.

No refunds are given, no matter what.

You may not reproduce any of my ideas

If you enjoy, please consider rating 5 stars :smile:

If you really like this plugin, you are feel to donate me on
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