
NULLED AutoSell 1.8.6

No permission to download

This update brings a new exciting feature, permission based multiplier limits.

The default config will not provide any limits aside from the default multiplier limit that every player has (unless they have a perm based limit)

To add perm based limits, drop this new config section into your config.yml and make all the limits you want.
Code (YAML):
priority: 1
limit: 200
priority: 2
limit: 120
priority: <the priority of this limit>
limit: <the limit for this perm>
Priority starts at 1 and goes to infinity. Your highest rank limit should be 1, the lowest rank limit should be 1000

The permission node to assign a limit is: autosell.multilimit.<name>
ex: autosell.multilimit.legendary

This update also comes in the form of a .zip file including 2 jars:

If using Minecraft 1.9 or greater, use the normal "AutoSell-1.8.6.jar"
If you are running Minecraft 1.8, use the "AutoSell-1.8.6-mc-1.8-compat.jar"

This is probably only a 1 time thing but since a lot of AutoSell users are still running 1.8 servers, figured I would treat you to an update so you can use the new features of AutoSell.

Note: any Spigot features that were introduced after 1.8 have been stripped out of the 1.8-compat version of AutoSell 1.8.6.

Minor changes to API and events which will be used in my other plugins, specifically EZBlocks.