
NULLED AACAdditionPro 3.13.1

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This updates fixes some bugs in PacketAnalysis.

* Some PacketAnalysis PositionSpoof false positives
* Fixed a NPE

Issue log:

No config changes.
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Reactions: Hamata6
This is so far the biggest AACAdditionPro update in the plugin's history.
I want to thank you for over 400 total downloads so far!

So here it comes:
+ InventoryHeuristics
+ One standard pattern for InventoryHeuristics which seems to be the most reliable one so far.
+ 6 new commands for InventoryHeuristics
+ InventoryHeuristicsEvent in the API
+ New folder to save and store patterns
+ Improved command help (the command followed by the '?' character)
+ {vl} placeholder for vl / confidence
+ tablist option for KillauraEntity
+ TablistRemoveCommand to remove a player from somebody else' tablist
+ New diagonal delay config value for Scaffold to fix the bug
+ More detailed error messages for various applications
* Improved default Scaffold config values
* Improved the data management of the user for better performance and code clarity
* AutoFish index out of bounds exception
* KillauraEntity IllegalArgumentException
* Reworked lots of old code, especially the file saving methods
* Finally fixed the length of the logging time being inconsistent
* Some very rarely appearing memory leak
* Improved logics of some commands, especially the EntityCheckCommand
* Improved some internals of KillauraEntity's entities
* An invisible entity will no longer have arrows attached to it
* Fixed an error in the EntityCheckCommand if KillauraEntity is disabled.
* Increased the tries of the EntityCheckCommand before it stops itself slightly
* Improved a message of the EntityCheckCommand
* Fixed a rare bug within KillauraEntity if there has only been one player on the server so far
* Minor performance improvements

A huge thanks to Hyronymos (and the Twerion server team), Darth and the LPmitKev server team for the hours spent on testing InventoryHeuristics.

You need to delete your config before updating or take a look at the revisions on gist.
Please report issues on the issue tracker!