
NULLED AACAdditionPro 3.6.1

No permission to download
+ New pattern weight system for less InventoryHeuristics false positives
* Some visual improvements regarding commands
* Updated some outdated command helps
* Fixed some typos

No config changes.
This is the 100th update of AACAdditionPro!
* Some extremely slow memory leak (after the traffic of thousands of players without a restart)
* Slightly improved the performance of some maths
* IllegalStateException in KillauraEntity when using the teams option
* Further improved ESP performance
* Sometimes appearing ConcurrentModificationException
* Tweaked overall performance of recurring tasks (e.g. Freecam) a bit
* Some typos

No config changes.
+ Fallback system to prevent NPEs in entitycheckcommand in some bypass - permission scenarios
* Invalid user parsing message in entitycheckcommand if the user has bypass permissions
* Improved performance of the command system
* Reduced the amount of needed equipment packets sent
* EntityCheck players will now remove themselves from the tablist.
+ New command framework with better performance, improved tab complete and less total code
* Several old bugs inside the command system such as multiple prefixes and wrong formatting
* The "?" to display the help of a command works more reliable now.

No config changes.