✖ MineHome.net Zombie MiniGame ✖

NULLED ✖ MineHome.net Zombie MiniGame ✖ 1.0.3

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What is the goal of Zombies?
In Zombies, two different teams compete against each other, the humans and the zombies. The goal of the humans is to collect enough zombie heads while the goal of the zombies is to kill all the villagers or infect all humans. Levels and special items also increase the fun.

What are the functions of Zombies?
The Zombies plugin manages all your maps and games automatically. With a VIPHide. You can also display a PointsAPI PointsAPI gives players points for winning or defeating a player
VIPHide With VIPHide, VIP players can turn into other players to avoid being recognized
What level and special items are there?

You can level up, when you kill a human as a zombie. Here you get one level higher and keep the items from the previous level. Afer your die, you keep your level and the items.
You can only get spcial items, if you kill a zombie as a human. These dropped items can only be picked up by humans.

Which levels for zombies are there?
Level Description
1. Level (Default) You have a zombie skull and a colored leather armor. You have an enchanted wooden sword.
2. Level You get a bow with 10 arrows.
3. Level You now have a diamond chestplate instead of a leather chestplate.
4. Level You get a poisoned hoe, which gives a human a short poison effect, if he was beaten with this hoe. The hoe disappears after a single use.
5. Level You get a lead into the inventory, which when right-clicking calls a zombie horse on which you can ride. If the horse is killed, you will get the lead again after a short time.
Which special items do humans have?
Itemname Description
Powder of Life This item restores a half-heart with a right-click, a whole heart for a villager. A zombie usually drops a piece of it.
Mine The pressure plate can be placed. If a zombie runs over it, it explodes and kills all zombies within a few blocks.
Potion of healing This item is a common healing potion. When you drink it you are cured.
Potion of swiftness This item is an common speed potion. When you drink it, you get the speed effect.
Cobwebs If a zombie runs into the cobweb, it is hard to get rid of it.
Fishing rod For practiced PVP players, it is a useful tool to defeat the zombies.
TNT If you place this TNT, it will be instantly ignited and will make normal damage, but it will not destroy any blocks

How can I create a game?
  1. First, you need to create a map on your sever.
  2. After that, you need to create a game using /zb add [name]
  3. Now you need to open the setup menu using /zb setup (game).
  4. There you can set the spawn point for players, zombies and the lobby by clicking on the player's head, the zombie head and on the enderpearl.
  5. Optionally, a hologram can also be set in the lobby by clicking on the name plate.
  6. By clicking on an item frame, a cauldron and a villager egg can be taken from the inventory.
    First, place the cauldron and then the villager. Thus, both are linked together.
  7. Lastly, it is possible to create a sign to join. To do this, write in the first line [zb] and in the second line the name of the game.
What features will appear in the near future?
  • 962
  • 963
First release
Last update
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