✅ ModMode ✅ Upcoming! NEXT GEN. MODERATION EXPERIENCE [1.7-1.12]

NULLED ✅ ModMode ✅ Upcoming! NEXT GEN. MODERATION EXPERIENCE [1.7-1.12] 2.0.5

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  1. Removed - Vanish alias (/v) command
  2. Added - Report command
  3. Fixed - Tickets bugs and issues, delete your config.yml and tickets.yml to get new changes
  4. Revamped the description page with new graphics!
First off and foremost, my deepest apologies for not having this resource updated earlier, but, nevermore, I am back on track and have plans for updates, as well as welcome any propositions/features for future updates to be implemented.

What's New?
- Whole new configuration file, much better than before and has many more settings to change and customize.
- New in-modmode inventory technique, now it's very flexible, delete and create your own modules/items, assign commands to them.
- Updated commands, their structure and code.
- Freeze now opens an uncloseable inventory (optional) to forbid users from disabling their crooked software or/and clients injected to the launcher.

Please contact me about any problems with the plugin and/or suggestions! I will attempt to update this regularly and take community suggestions.