
  1. vikjITA

    DONE PremiumHub 3.1.7 (11/09/2017)

    Plugin name: PremiumHub Spigot link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/premiumhub-recoded-from-scratch-much-more-functions.32110/ Version: 3.1.7 for minecraft 1.8/1.12 Why do you want it: I am a donor and it is for my server thanks
  2. Acenox

    DONE DynamicBungeeAuth | Autologin Premium players 8.0.2-SNAPSHOT

    Plugin name: DynamicBungeeAuth Spigot link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynamicbungeeauth-autologin-premium-players.27480/ Version: 8.0.2-SNAPSHOT Why do you want it: Hello, I wish the leak to be plugin, because this one interests me enormously, I tried this one...