

    THEME Xenith - Audentio 1.5.9

    Xenith is a carefully designed theme for XenForo. We took special care in crafting each XenForo page to ensure quality and offer an engaging and interactive experience for your users. From profile to the postbit, from the threadlist to search listings, we made sure the design was cohesive. We...

    THEME UIX Dark - Audentio 1.5.7

    UI.X is a feature-rich XenForo theme that is built around the idea that it can be thrown any scenario and handle it beautifully. If you want your visitors to have a fully responsive beautiful metro/flat user interface with features such as a sticky navigation, side by side nodes, social media...

    THEME Rekt - Audentio 1.5.7

    #Rekt is an incredibly unique premium theme for XenForo that uses strong color contrast by default to highlight content. It utilizes a simplified color palette to make changing color schemes as quick as three easy edits. We start with bold colors by default for an edgier, gamer look. But this...

    THEME Tactical - Audentio

    The ultimate in gaming themes, Tactical comes with 10+ game designs including 10 just for Minecraft packaged right in. You can select from Battlefield 4, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, Starcraft 2, Team Fortress 2, DOTA2, Counterstrike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 2, and...

    THEME AntiQuark - Audentio 1.5.8

    Antiquark is the counter-design to Quark and essentially the light version of the XenForo theme. It comes out with a gamer pink color, but can be easily changed to blue or green very easily. Some of the features include side by side nodes, logo on top of the sidebar or logo on top of the...