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    CONFIG Premade ClearLagg Configuration - Premade ClearLagg Configuration

    Hi! In the ClearLagg config, - TPS Meter is enabled and messages have been edited to make it look nice. - Auto-removal every 10 minutes. Warnings have been edited too. - Disabled update-check.. Change it to 'true' if you want. If you have any suggestions or found any error, Feel free to PM...

    CONFIG Premade Essentials Configuration - Premade Essentials Configuration

    Hi! In the Essentials config, - I used three donator ranks in this config which I named VIP, MVP and Elite. - There are six premade kits. Kit tools, blocks, VIP, MVP, Elite and Youtube. - Chat Format for :- Owner Admin Moderator Builder VIP MVP Elite Youtuber And Member, of course. ! If...