
TrollBoss 5.1

No permission to download
This is the perfect plugin if you don't know what you should do and if you want to troll some users! You have many possibilities with this plugin, 35 commands until now. With a permission you can even define which groups or users can't get trolled! More will come in future updates.

  • Many commands
  • Permissions for every troll-command
  • commands with a delay where you can decide at your own how long something should happen
  • bypass permission
  • lightweight plugin
  • auto-update feature (you can disable it, if you want)
Commands and Permissions
Commands Permissions Function
none troll.* permission node for all permissions
none troll.badapple.bypass if you have this permission you won't die when you eat the bad apple
none troll.bypass if you have this permission it isn't possible to troll you
/troll help [page] troll.trollhelp shows you all commands
/burn [player] troll.burn to burn yourself or another player
/freeze [player] troll.freeze the player will get potion effects (slowness, blindess... )
/bolt [player] troll.bolt strikes a lightning at the player
/special troll.special, troll.ak47 to get an Ak-47 which shoots arrows and snowballs
/fakeop troll.fakeop to fake op someone
/fakedeop troll.fakedeop to fake deop someone
/launch [player] troll.launch to launch a player (33 blocks up)
/spam [player] troll.spam to spam a players chat
/trollkick [player] troll.trollkick to troll kick someone (special kick message on the mc screen)
/badapple [player] troll.badapple to add an apple to a player's inventory, which will kill him if he eats it
/boom [player] troll.boom to create an explosion at the players location
/push [player] troll.push to push a player
/gokill [player] [delay] troll.gokill to kill the player [target] in [delay] seconds full automated
/switch [player] [player] troll.switch to switch the locations from 2 players
/denymove [player] [delay] troll.denymove to deny a player to move for [delay] seconds
/potatotroll [player] troll.potatotroll to replace every item in a players inventory to a potato
/trap [player] [delay] troll.trap to trap a player between glass blocks (old blocks at the locations will be resetted!)
/tptroll [player] troll.tptroll to get an item which shoots snowballs and if they hit a player he will be teleported to you
/infect [player] [delay] troll.infect to add some bad potion effects to [player] for [delay] seconds
/herobrine [player] troll.herobrine to become herobrine, if you run this command twice you will be a normal player again
/fakerestart [time] troll.fakerestart to fake restart the server and kick every other player
/turn [player] troll.turn to turn a player by 180 degrees
/starve [player] [amount] troll.starve to slowly starve a player, one hunger each 1,25 seconds as often as [amount]
/hurt [player] [amount] troll.hurt to slowly hurt a player, one live each 1,25 seconds as often as [amount]
/void [player] troll.void to slowly remove blocks under a player until he dies in void
/pumpkinhead [player] troll.pumpkinhead to change the head of a player to a pumpkin
/bury [player] [time] troll.bury to bury a player for [time] seconds
/nomine [player] [time] troll.nomine prevents a player from breaking blocks for [time] seconds
/randomtp [player] [count] troll.randomtp to teleport a player [count] times randomly
/crash [player] troll.crash to kick a player from the server with a long java error message
/freefall [player] [high] troll.freefall to let a player be freefalling from a certain high
/webtrap [player] [time] troll.webtrap to trap a player in cobweb
/spank [player / all]

/trample [player] [amount]

/trolllanguage [english | german]




to spank a player

to let cows trample on a player

to change the language of the plugin


Simply drag and drop the .jar file in your plugins folder and restart/reload/start your server.

The plugin is collecting information. It is collecting the following information:

  • number of servers running this plugin
  • total number of players on this server
  • which version of the plugin the servers are running
  • how many processor cores the system has
  • which system architecture the system has (64bit / 32bit)
  • which software the server is running (Craftbukkit, Spigot, etc.)
  • where the servers are located (country)
  • the operating system
  • the java version which is used
  • the game version the server is running on

This information is being collected so I get some basic information about who uses this plugin, on which servers they are running, how it spread worldwide. With this information I can improve the plugin.

You can disable the collection of this information in a config file, which is located in your plugins folder. The plugin then stops sending information to McStats. There you can see the collected information by the way.

This plugin contains an auto-update feature, which checks if there is a new version of the plugin, and if positive it downloads it (from this site) and places it in your plugins folder. If you don't want the plugin to automatically download the newest version, you can disable this feature in a config file, which is located in the TrollBoss folder. The TrollBoss folder is in your plugins folder.

More Features

If you have ideas for new trolls feel free to leave a comment, I will try my best to add them if possible.Poll

As you may can see, there's a poll you can vote on, it would be cool if you participate, so I know if I am doing a good job with this plugin, or if I don't.
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