
NULLED PlotMines 3.5.2

No permission to download

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Supported versions:
1.7.10 | 1.8.x | 1.9.2 and higher | 1.10.x | 1.11.x | 1.12.x
Default 1.9 is not supported.

Let players create mines on their plots

Requires PlotSquared

Token Enchant users:
For explosive to work with PlotMines go to the token-enchant config and set "use_explode_event: false" to "use_explode_event: true"


PlotMines is a very simple and easy to use plugin that allows server owners to define various different types of PlotMines in a configuration file that can then be given to a player to place on their PlotSquared plot. The plugin is lightweight and very easy to setup and use.

- Define the maximum amount of Plot Mines a player can have in their plot.
- Define a permission node that players will need in order to use the plugin.
- Define what block should fill the area when a Plot Mine is removed.
- Define the ground level of the plot.
- Toggle sending messages when a Plot Mine is placed/confirmed/removed.
- Customise all the messages sent by this plugin.
- Create an unlimited amount of Plot Mines.
- Fully customise the Plot Mine item.
- Fully customise the physical Plot Mine.

- /plotmines - Brings up a help message - No permission needed
- /plotmines list - Lists all the Plot Mines you have created - plotmines.commands.list
- /plotmines version - Shows the current PlotMines and Spigot version - plotmines.commands.version
- /plotmines reload - Reloads the configuration - plotmines.commands.reload
- /plotmines info <tier> - Shows the blocks and percentages for <tier> -
- /plotmines give <player> <tier> [amount] - Gives <player> [amount] of <tier> - plotmines.commands.give
- /plotmines reset -
Reset a players plot (admin only) - plotmines.commands.reset

Players also need your general permission and plotmines.use.<tier> in order to use Plot Mines.
You can use /plotmine or /pm in place of /plotmines.

- Add custom Plot Mines
- Add more customisability.

- Default Configuration File
- In-Depth Tutorial Video
- Add Me To A Conversation
- Discussion Page
First release
Last update
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