
NULLED OptimalBungeePortals 1.5

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Have you ever wanted to teleport players through a portal to another server or maybe you want to run a command via the player to open the server-selector menu? This plugin allows you to run commands when entering portals but you can also transfer players to a server or a randomized server.

Extremely lightweight.
⬤ Unlimted portals!
⬤ Execute commands when walking into portals. Commands can be executed in player perspective or console perspective!
⬤ Transfer players to a specific/randomized server when entering a portal.
⬤ Portal cooldown!
⬤ Sounds when entering the portal and for cooldown!
⬤ Supports 1.7.X, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10, 1.11.X & 1.12.x!

Screenshots coming soon!

IP: -Coming soon-

1. Buy and download the plugin.

2. Place the OptimalBungeePortals.jar file in your plugins folder.

3. Start and stop your server to make sure the configurations will generate.

4. Go in the OptimalBungeePortals folder and open config.yml. Configure what other you want. Ex: sounds & messages.

5. Save the config and reboot your server!

6. Login to your server. Type /OBP create (name)

7. Then type: /OBP set (name) blocks and right-click at the golden blocks where your portal should be.

8. Set your server(s) or command(s) for the portal, find the commands using /OBP.

9. Once you have added these things you are done!

To be able to use any of the following commands you need the permission OpmaticBungeePortals.Admin

/OBP create ➜ Creates a new portal

/OBP delete ➜ Deletes a portal

/OBP set (portal) blocks ➜ Select the locations for the portal.

/OBP set (portal) command ➜ Select the locations for the portal.

⬤ /OBP ➜ List all commands!

⬤ /OBP create (name) ➜ Create a new portal!

⬤ /OBP set (name) blocks ➜ Set the block-locations for the portal.

⬤ /OBP set (name) command (command) ➜ Set a command for the portal.

⬤ /OBP set (name) server (server) ➜ Set a server for the portal.

⬤ /OBP dleete (name) ➜ Remove a portal.

⬤ /OBP List ➜ List all portals!

⬤ /OBP teleport (name) ➜ Teleport to a portal!

You have a lot of options to choose between, so you can easily customize it however you want!
Code (Text):
# Welcome to the configuration of OptimalBungeePortals!
#This plugin is currently supporting 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x & 1.11.x!
#Useful command: /OptimalBungeePortals - Lists you all setup-commands!
#Permission needed: OptimalBungeePortals.Admin or you can OP yourself.
# Please PM me at SpigotMC if you're having any issues or suggestions!
# Spigot Name: File14
# Thank you for purchasing OptimalBungeePortals!
#CONFIG SUPPORTED FOR: 1.9.x, 1.10.x & 1.11.x!

Knockback: -1.3
Cooldown: 60

#Disable a sound by putting ""
Enter-Portal-Volume: 10
Enter-Portal-Pitch: 1

Cooldown-Sound: "ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT"
Cooldown-Volume: 10
Cooldown-Pitch: 1

#Disable a message by putting ""
Bungee-Transfer: "&aSending you to &7(server)&a!"
Cooldown: "&cYou must wait before you can enter the portal again!"

By purchasing this plugin or downloading new versions you accept the following terms of use:

No refunds! All purchases are final!
➤ You are NOT allowed to redistribute this plugin!
➤ Use it only for YOUR server/network!
➤ You are NOT allowed to LEAK this plugin on any website!
➤ You are NOT allowed to share this plugin with somebody else!
➤ You cannot claim the code of the plugin belongs to you!
➤ The price may change at any time without notice.
➤ You are responsible for what happens to the plugin after downloading. Accidental distribution or leaking will not be used as an excuse. You are responsible for the security of the plugin.

About to post a review? Please do NOT post any issues as a review! If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, just PM me or use the discussion page! You can also contact me through Discord.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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