
BannerBoard-LeaderHeads 1.0.7

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This is a LeaderHeads implementation for BannerBoard. This implementation is free, however both LeaderHeads and BannerBoard are premium resources.

This is a LeaderHeads implementation for the BannerBoard plugin. This can be used to show LeaderHeads leaderboards on a BannerBoard.

How to set up?
  1. Purchase both LeaderHeads and BannerBoard.
  2. Install the latest version of both LeaderHeads and BannerBoard and start the server once.
  3. Set force-update to true in the LeaderHeads config file of the desired type.
  4. You are done, you can now use the LEADERHEADS renderer in the BannerBoard configuration.

This is an example of how it can look. Please note that the skins are dynamically loaded for that certain player.

Code (Text):
- IMAGE -src background.png -height 768
- COLOR -color 0,0,0,90
- IMAGE -src header.png -xOffset 0 -yOffset 0 -width 1024 -height 200
- IMAGE -src sword.png -xOffset 410 -yOffset 160 -width 128 -height 128
- IMAGE -src gold_block.png -xOffset 117 -yOffset 510
- LEADERHEADS -texturesize 300 -xOffset 42 -yOffset 260 -leaderboardname kills -timeframe alltime -number 2 -skinurl -font Hobo Std -nameSize 50 -textOffset 70 -color 255,255,255 -strokeColor 0,0,0 -strokeThickness 2 -nameOffset 50
- IMAGE -src iron_block.png -xOffset 757 -yOffset 510
- LEADERHEADS -texturesize 300 -yOffset 330 -xOffset 682 -leaderboardname kills -timeframe alltime -number 3 -skinurl -font Hobo Std -nameSize 50 -textOffset 0 -color 255,255,255 -strokeColor 0,0,0 -strokeThickness 2 -nameOffset 50
- IMAGE -src diamond_block.png -xOffset 437 -yOffset 440
- LEADERHEADS -texturesize 300 -xOffset 362 -yOffset 200 -leaderboardname kills -timeframe alltime -number 1 -skinurl -font Hobo Std -nameSize 60 -textOffset 60 -color 255,255,255 -strokeColor 0,0,0 -strokeThickness 2 -nameOffset 60

Code (Text):
- IMAGE -src long_background.png
- LEADERHEADS -texturesize 400 -xOffset 56 -yOffset 170 -leaderboardname kills -timeframe daily -number 1 -skinurl -font Courier New -style BOLD -nameSize 45 -textOffset \-30 -color 0,0,0 -strokeColor 0,0,0 -strokeThickness 0 -nameOffset 40
- IMAGE -src sword_left.png -xOffset 110 -yOffset 600 -width 80 -height 80
- IMAGE -src sword_right.png -xOffset 322 -yOffset 600 -width 80 -height 80
The LEADERHEADS renderer has many parameters, so its highly customizable. This is a list of all supported parameters. All bold parameters are required.
  • textureSize - this size of the skin texture image (height = width = texturesize pixels)
  • leaderboardname - the type of the LeaderHeads leaderboard. See for more information.
  • timeframe - Either alltime, daily, weekly, or monthly. Default is alltime.
  • number - the position you want to display, must be between 0 and 10 (so not 0, starting at 1).
  • skinurl - the URL of the player. Preferably I use A %name% will be replaced with the actual name of the player.
  • nameOffset - the distance in pixels between the skin texture and the username.
  • textOffset - the distance in pixels between the username and the score.
  • font - the name of the font which will be used to draw the username and the score. The font must be installed on the servers operating system, or placed in the BannerBoard /fonts/ folder. Default a random font.
  • nameSize - the size of the font in which the text will be drawn. This is set to 20 by default.
  • color - an R,G,B color in which the text will be drawn. See for more info. This is set to 255,255,255 by default.
  • style - either PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC or BOLDITALIC. This is set to plain by default.
  • strokeColor - The R,B,G color in which the text's stroke will be drawn. Same format as the color parameter.
  • strokeThickness - the thickness of the stroke in pixels. Set to 0 to disable.
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