Recent content by twelveguy

  1. twelveguy

    REPORT Dont have access SkillAPI - api

    (no hate) So pin it or make a notice (just idea) "You cant use any Plugins API if you download it here". l know you guys are trying hard to defend your own leaks to prevent reposts etc, but cutting features off to improve the security is not a good way. Sorry for my english. (Hope you...
  2. twelveguy

    REPORT Dont have access SkillAPI - api

    What? Just wanna work with api NOT editing the jar. Like this: int a = SkillAPI.getPlayerAccountData(p).getAccountLimit();
  3. twelveguy

    REPORT Dont have access SkillAPI - api

    Plugin name: SkillAPI DirectLeaks link: Version: 1.65 What is wrong: Dont have access to api. Tried two IDE's Eclipse and Intellij, same error. The class file SkillAPI contains a signature 'Website:' ill-formed at...
  4. twelveguy

    REQUEST Cartographer

    __________________________________ Name: Cartographer Spigot link: [CLICK ME] Version: Latest/Newest This is a unique minimap plugin, you can use it in any gamemode (faction,pvp,survival,RPG, GTA, etc) ____________________________________________________________________ PS: Aligments are...
  5. twelveguy

    REQUEST [UPDATE] DivineItemsRPG 2.1.0 -> 2.4.0

    ____________________________________________ Plugin name: DivineItemsRPG DL page: (CLICK ME) SPIGOT page: (CLICK ME) Current version: 2.1.0 Newest version 2.4.0 @OhYeah55 Latest update fixed a critical error(s) and a new attribute added. ____________________________________________
  6. twelveguy

    DONE [UPDATE] ChatControl Pro 7.6.17 -> 7.6.26

    ____________________________________________ Plugin name: ChatControl Pro DL page: (CLICK ME) SPIGOT page: (CLICK ME) Current version: 7.6.17 Newest version 7.6.26 @OhYeah55 The recent updates contains Better MySQL handling, critical point system fix, several patched errors...
  7. twelveguy

    REQUEST Party and Friends Extended Edition for Bungeecord | Supports 1.7 - 1.12.2 1.0.156-E

    Plugin name: Party and Friends Extended Edition for Bungeecord Link: [CLICK ME] Version: 1.0.156-E Huge update, new gui's, api, more customization.
  8. twelveguy

    DONE EpicWorldGenerator [7.2.28] [not working -> crack needed]

    Can someone crack it? It stopped working now and it really piss me off (WorldBorder radius 8000 completed lol), of course l'll give the plugin. :> PM me if you are interested.